But now?

In those days, the picture of being hanged and beaten by Mark once again appeared in mephistopheles’s mind.
Mephistopheles’s forehead overflowed with sweat. He glanced guiltily and got up. Mark …
"This guy’s heart is black and shiny."
Mephistopheles sighed again.
The world says that the devil is good at hypocrisy and deception.
What about the demon keeper?
Isn’t it a combination of seven deadly sins?
Mark got up, glanced at the sky, rolled his eyes and then said, "Old Mo, it’s rare for you to come to the lookout and find a bar to drink a little wine with me?"
Mephistopheles one leng.
Just as he was about to refuse, Mark turned to narrow his eyes and said lightly, "This is my first time to invite you, Lao Mo. If you don’t forget it, I won’t be realistic."
Mephistopheles "…"
Five o’clock in the afternoon
Kaqi bar
"hades I bitter …"
Passers-by in front of Kaqi Bar suddenly heard a crow whining inside, and couldn’t help shaking all over to speed up leaving here.
Mark leaned against the wall with a cup of wave and a smile on his face and looked at mephistopheles, who was sitting opposite him and once again had a broken heart.
Ordinary wine will certainly not make a hell king collapse.
But what about flavored wine?
The wizard dimension sincerely tells the truth, which has always been an artifact of the extraordinary world.
Don’t say hell king.
Even Mark once almost lost his way.
Fortunately, Jiumei had not left …
Mephistopheles is already lying on the table at the moment, with his eyes half blurred, as if to himself, asking, "Hades, when do you say that feelings are so troublesome?"
Mark glanced at the old ink, took a sip of it and said simply, "Emotion is a troublesome thing."
Mephistopheles nodded and said consciously, "Now I finally understand what you directly took Hella back."
Mark fell from his forehead in three places.
What happened?
He is trying to get drunk mephistopheles take more than he and Guyi, the bald female divination. How can he suddenly and inexplicably pull himself?
Mephistopheles’s words continued, "Now think about it, I should learn from you at that time, and I like to take it back directly. At that time, we people laughed at you and said that you were lacking in high spirit, but now it seems that the idea of high spirit is really not for us to speculate."
Mark ha ha a quick laugh.
Quickly took a sip of his hand wave pressure requisite.
Realm is my ass
Think about it.
Family members know their own affairs
He must have thought, "Hey, Hella looks great. She’s in great shape and has the best potential. Help us rob her."
Although Haila’s memory has not recovered yet, Mark feels that this idea should be close by relying on his own understanding of himself …
Mark moved the glass in mephistopheles’s hand and handed it to him with a glass of flavored wine. At the same time, he said, "Old Mo, stop talking about me. Tell me what you came here this time?"
Mephistopheles’s drunken eyes blurred, and when he picked up the seasoning wine, he gulped it down and sighed and shook his head. "My son didn’t grow up and was fooled by several demons in hell. He said that he was looking for a way to stand on his own feet and wanted the earth to build a hell that belonged to him. Didn’t I come quickly?"
"… want to point out that teenagers are usually in Grade Two," Mark comforted.
Mephistopheles looked up at Mark and said with a straight face, "He is ninety years old this year!"
Mark "…"
Chapter 57 Killed king of hell
When mephistopheles said this sentence,
Mark’s face also showed an awkward expression.
quite a while
Mark took a sip of the wave and shrugged. "It can be said that your son still has a second-grade heart."
This is not a forced explanation.
Absolutely not
Mephistopheles laughed at himself as if he were really drunk and asked, "Do you have a son, Pluto?"
Mark shook his head and said, "No, I have a daughter."
The thought of not talking to myself for many days made Lylis Mark feel rather melancholy.
It’s easy if it’s a man.
Let’s just say.
Mark prefers girls to boys.
What if Leslie is a boy’s pap?