"How did you feel it? For example, how can a temperature person feel the difference in body temperature? "

"The measurement method determines the numerical value. The numerical value means that you can feel different temperatures and then compare it with a thermometer. It’s as simple as that."
"Is this simple?"
"Oh, it’s not easy. It needs training … let’s go find water first and follow me."
In the dry season, China really observed a terrain and walked with Luo Chad for more than ten minutes. Sure enough, it found a low-lying puddle surrounded by dry cracks, bare soil in the middle, wet swamp mud in the middle, and water in the innermost, which looked muddy, but there was water after all.
Hua Zhenxing took a look at it but took Luo Chad away. Luo Chad wondered, "Aren’t we going to get water?"
Hua Zhen trip "There are several big crocodiles lying there. Forget it. Change places."
Rothschild hurried away and turned around, but he couldn’t see the crocodile hiding in that puddle. Where did Xiaohua find it?
Not far ahead, sure enough, there is another puddle with a much smaller area than the one just now, and there is not much silt around it. The water looks muddy and dirty. Hua Zhen Bank nodded and said, "I can draw water here."
Rothschild handed the bucket over and said, "This?"
Hua Zhen shook his head. "No, don’t get dirty." He unpacked his backpack and took out a round cloth. Last night, when he was resting, the cushion went to the puddle and actually pumped a bag of water the size of a football.
It turned out that the edge of the cloth was pierced with a circle of string, and three holes were symmetrically left for the string to come out, so that it became a sealed and waterproof waterway that could hold things. "Let’s find a place to rest first, and the temperature is still rising, so don’t hurry at the hottest time at noon."
There are also many trees in the grassland who have found a shady place in Hua Zhen to hang their pockets on branches and let Luo Chad search for dead branches. He himself has cut down several branches with different lengths and thicknesses. Luo Chad is thirsty and sweaty. He looks at the pockets and says, "You can’t drink this water directly. Did you bring a water purification tablet?"
The trip to Hua Zhen "brought it first and then put it"
What to take to boil water? After they lit a bonfire without a pot to clean up weeds around them, Hua Zhen directly hung the branch on the fire and burned the water like this. Luo Chaide stretched out his head and said, "What material is this cloth?"
Hua Zhen casually replied, "The latest high-tech materials are limited by hand." He didn’t realize that it was strange to put "high-tech" and "hand-made" together. He didn’t know what material this cloth was made of, but it was given by Uncle Mo.
Rothschild didn’t ask, because he had already boiled the water, dried it, then put the water purification piece to stand and settle it, and slowly injected a layer of clean water into the bucket, which happened to be just a full bucket with less than half a bag of impurity water, and then shook the cloth clean and put it away. The two of them took out dry food and ate lunch. The hottest sun was over and they continued on their way.
Hua Zhen will take away the bayonet barrel and process two long sticks, one end of which is sharpened and the bonfire is slightly hardened. Luo Chad is leaning on one, and he realized that he was a little silly. Why didn’t he think of finding a stick to lean on?
By the time we camped before dark, Rothschild had taken off his shoes and his calf was swollen. He sat down and asked, "How far have we come today?"
The trip to Hua Zhen "walked less than 40 kilometers today, and there are still more than 30 kilometers to go. If you can maintain today’s speed, you can get to the airport before dinner."
Luo Chad secretly gritted his teeth. It seems that the sky can be thrown out. I can’t let a child look down upon it. Both of them are carrying Bao Kehua’s backpack, which is much bigger and heavier. At the moment, it looks much easier. He can’t help but ask, "Why are you so physically strong?"
Hua Zhen asked, "Is this good?"
Rothschild "is certainly very good! I loved sports since I was a child, and I signed up for many classes. From middle school to college, I was a member of the school football club. After I became an employee, I insisted on fitness for a while. But after I came to Porto, I insisted on long-distance running. My physique is much better than the average person. But today, if you hadn’t led me in front, I wouldn’t have been able to persist. "
Hua Zhen line "this just where to where! Yang Lao-tou told me that when the Red Army of the East China flew a cable bridge, the deputy armed forces marched one hundred and twenty kilometers one day and one night. "
This is indeed what Yang Lao-tou said last year. Yang Lao-tou took Hua Zhenxing for many "field trips", that is, he arrived in neighboring Meili City from the port of Somalia across the prairie on the first day after breakfast, set out for a half-night camp and arrived at dinner the next day.
One hundred and fifty kilometers on foot, I walked to Hua Zhen in two days. Although I was very tired, I felt great about myself. As a result, Yang Lao told him not to be complacent, but there was still a long way to go, and cited the example of the East China Red Army flying over the iron chain bridge.
Rothschild frowned. Is it appropriate for the grocer Yang to fool the children with this example? He shook his head and said, "that’s a professional soldier carrying out combat orders. Although it’s an armed March, it should be light and won’t carry so many things like you."
Hua Zhen’s trip "Take less weapons and ammunition and carry-on rations. It’s almost the same as ours now. Old man Yang also told me that more than ten years ago, there was a big earthquake in the eastern state, and the mountain roads were broken. They entered the disaster area to save people for 21 hours and marched 90 kilometers on foot. They walked over the mountains in the rain instead of the flat."
Rothschild: "That’s what you heard, right? I don’t believe it."
Hua Zhen trip "I verified it. It’s not difficult to verify it."
I walked almost forty kilometers during the day, so I was so tired that I was able to wake up on my own, and it happened to be just before the agreed vigil shift. This means that Rothschild’s self-control ability is really very strong, and it is not just self-control. It should be enough to give myself a hint when to wake up before going to sleep, which ordinary people can’t do.
Luo Chad walked out of the tent and lit a cigarette, which was his last cigarette. Hua Zhen opened his eyes and said, "Why did you wake up by yourself? I’m going to call you later."
Rothschild smiled. "This is a psychological technique. I told myself I would wake up at this time … Are you interested? Do you want to learn?"
Hua Zhen also smiled. "Of course I’m interested if you want to teach me, but I’ll do the same thing. Did you wake me up when I changed shifts last night?"
Luo Chaide recalled that yesterday when it was his turn to watch the vigil, Hua Zhen also woke up by himself. It seems that he didn’t teach these skills again. He thought for a while and didn’t know what to think. Then he looked up and said, "China, you feel very keen and extraordinary. I didn’t hear anything at noon yesterday, but you already noticed that there was a car coming behind you."
At noon today, you can reach out and measure the temperature, wind speed, air humidity and that puddle. No matter how I observe it, I can’t find any crocodiles. But you are sure that these abilities are obtained through training. Can others receive the same training? "
Hua Zhen smiled. "If you can observe those crocodiles, you can do it for him. It is really through training that you master your ability."
Rothschild leaned over and said, "What training method?"
Hua Zhen’s trip "It’s called Nourishing Yuan. Want to learn?"
Rothschild "I want to learn now!"
Hua Zhen line "you have to tell me who it is, what did you find golden head to kill you? Who gave the big head gang an unarmed jeep? "
Rothschild, "I’ll tell you if you teach me."
Hua Zhenxing shook his head and said, "This is not a negotiation or an exchange. I risked my life to save you. It is your responsibility to tell me what kind of trouble you are involved in."
Rothschild "must say it first?"
Hua Zhenxing didn’t cheep, but his attitude was very clear.
Chapter 17, Big Fish
Luo Chad watched the trip to Hua Zhen for a long time and finally sighed, "I don’t want to say too much. I’m afraid you won’t be white if you say something."
Hua Zhen said with a straight face, "Just because I can escort you through the wilderness on foot doesn’t mean I am a savage."
Rothschild: "Well, it’s time to say goodbye. I’ll tell you today. This place in Port Sofia is backward, ignorant and chaotic, but do you know what the most advanced institution here is?"
Hua Zhen trip "The answer to this question is of course an international hospital."
Port-of-Somalia International Hospital was developed from refugee tent hospital fifteen years ago, and has been funded by many international institutions. Now it has a large scale, with thousands of beds, and even a relatively independent security area has been formed in the city, which is often full of people.
To say that it is advanced means that those facilities that represent the highest level have world-class research rooms, operating rooms, laboratories and intensive care units, which are not inferior to those of private hospitals in developed countries, but these conditions are not available to most ordinary wards in hospitals. The bed conditions are very simple and the observation hall is crowded.