It’s a pity that Hua Zhen’s trip is not as smooth as traveling. He can also hear the hint and guess the intention of Mei’s leader, but he still acts according to his own style. He also asks Mei Yeshi who is looking for the best sacrifice.

Mei Yeshi is a simple man who sighs and suggests Hua Zhenxing to find Dinky.
Hua Zhen’s trip is also a simple man, an idealist and perfectionist. Since he wants to give the traveler an artifact, he has to give him a perfect one, and then let the traveler ask for help. What’s the matter?
First of all, we should do our own things well. He went to Ding Ji for help. Even if he owed human feelings, he didn’t travel to owe them. Instead, Hua Zhen Bank owed Mr. Ding human feelings.
Mei Yeshi slightly rubbed the tip of his nose on the outside of the first knuckle of his right index finger, which was a habitual initiative when he was young. "Do Chinese students know where to swim in real people’s eyes?"
Man Man replied, "I know that before you left Pingjing for several miles, he said that he would take a trip to Yangyuan Valley to see if he had just got the news a few days ago that he had gone to Suogang for the New Year."
Hua Zhen’s trip "I will personally give this artifact to Youzhen after Ding Zongzhu’s sacrifice and refining. Is there anything else that the leader of Mei League wants to tell?"
Mei Yeshi: "When General Manager Hua gives the warehouse to You Zhenren, please tell him that on behalf of Kunlun League, I hope to invite him to help me sit in Zhiwei Building in Wucheng sometimes, ranging from half a year to three months."
Hua Zhen’s trip "Well, I’ll definitely take the message to today and thank you for visiting the real people!"
The Wuwei Building in Wucheng is equivalent to the contact center of Kunlun League. There are not only brothers of all factions rotating, but also elders of all factions taking turns to sit in the town. On weekdays, they can supervise the actions of these brothers and give directions for practice.
It is the lowest standard to be qualified to sit in the Zhiwei Building and cultivate the talents of all factions. Hua Zhen’s most popular "experts" in the Kunlun practice circle of Yuangu have not yet been qualified.
If you travel according to the minimum requirements, it will be enough, but compared with other people, such as Cangwu, Meiye Stone and Taoranke, they are somewhat reluctant in terms of seniority and prestige.
However, Mei Yeshi’s invitation, though ostensibly inviting the tourists to "help", actually recognized the identity of the tourists as "superior" on behalf of various factions in Kunlun.
What does it mean to be qualified to sit in Zhiwei Building? If there are "employees" in the Zhiwei building who don’t believe that the means of travel can be properly packed.
Of course, people like Mei Yeshi don’t want to do things one by one, but they have a complete background. If he helps to sacrifice the warehouse and wait until you go to the door to pick it up, he will send an invitation.
Now that Hua Zhen didn’t do what he thought, he didn’t just say a word through Hua Zhen. If the tourist is willing to accept the invitation, it is of course a good thing for the whole Kunlun League. I believe that the tourist can understand it himself.
See this matter come to an end, Mei Yeshi laughed, "Then come on, Hua Tong Xue! It’s getting late. Let’s visit the campus of the University of Technology first … Can I enjoy the wonderful little bench of General Manager Hua? "
Chapter 47, Good Guide Mei Yeshi
When I came to Zhiwei Building, I covered my tracks by the river to avoid everyone’s eyes and ears. Hua Zhen offered a flying bench and took Maman Meiye stone to guide me to fly away.
Meiye Stone is also a small bench to join in the fun. Anyway, a small bench can be a big stage.
If Pingjing and Shanghai are first-tier cities according to the standards of Dongguo, then a prefecture-level city like Wucheng is at most four-tier. What this city lacks is not suburban land, but projects that can really bring development potential.
In the planning of the southern suburb of Wucheng, the branch campus of University of Technology, the total area is more than 3,000 mu, which is almost two square kilometers. Overlooking the completed campus, there are still a lot of reserved land.
The appearance of this campus has changed Wucheng, which has no comprehensive university history.
At present, the campus has specialties such as machinery, materials, computer information, gas automation, energy and chemical industry, urban construction, ecological environment, logistics management, economy and trade, and food science, which are urgently needed by the country.
In civil engineering, water conservancy, transportation, mineral metallurgy and other countries, majors are also urgently needed. For the time being, this campus has not been solved by means of separation or supplemented in the third phase of construction.
Hua Zhen can’t expect to solve all the problems by combining with such a campus.
Of course, Hua Zhen chose such a university branch to merge, not because its location happened to be a city, but after comprehensive consideration from all sides, it sent people to investigate and compare the situation in advance
But what he got was the introduction materials, and he had to consult Mei Yeshi, a well-connected local, about many things.
On the third day of New Year’s Day, the school also had a winter vacation. Several people wandered around the campus to reduce the height, and Hua Zhen walked through the campus to build the heart of the whole campus while listening to Mei Yeshi’s introduction
Mei Yeshi’s tone is a little emotional. He thinks this campus is the most important project in Wucheng in recent years. It is not a icing on the cake, nor is it a quick success, but it can really help the city maintain its long-term vitality.
Hua Zhen’s trip is not something that he grew up in the East. In some cases, he doesn’t feel deeply or realize it.
The new alliance has established a new model for the construction and development of Guinea, and there are too many places to learn from the experience of the East, which has brought hope to the once desperate purgatory.
However, Mei Yeshi seems that the development of the East is commendable, but there are few bright colors in the world today, but there are also many lessons left over from history that Guinea cannot repeat the same mistakes.
The predecessors can follow the path of crossing the river by feeling the stones, and don’t follow after stepping over the pit.
Mei Yeshi was born in a mountain village in the northern suburb of Wucheng in 1971. He didn’t go to the city to study until he was ten years old in high school.
He witnessed and personally experienced the changes in the East China over the past few decades, and the East China has developed from an agricultural country with the most mature human history to the largest industrial country.
When he was a child, the village commune replaced the patriarchal social system. In addition to farming, the most labor that fathers paid was farmland water conservancy construction.
It was an era of sustained population and economic growth, but it was still relatively poor and backward.
After the commune system disintegrated in Meiyeshi Primary School, the rural areas implemented the household contract responsibility system and entered the state of being cut into family social units at their own risk and self-financing.
The primary industry continued to accumulate, and the layout of the secondary industry was basically completed. Through social transformation, a large number of demographic dividends were introduced, which started the industrialization process.
With the emergence of a large number of township enterprises, the population has gathered from villages to towns and entered the stage of production prosperity, reducing the pressure on resources and environment, and the official control of population growth has implemented a very strict one-child policy
This policy lasted for nearly two generations and did not end until a few years ago, but it became extremely difficult to restore the fertility rate.
For thousands of years, the social structure of marriage and family, the ethical body and the cognitive way have been dissolved, which has never happened in human history.
If the social structure of the family is alienated, then the industrialization, marketization and capitalization changes on this basis will also be alienated. It will establish a social foundation in which a family has one child and lasts for two generations.
Due to the decrease in the number of raised women, a large number of people can be released to participate in social labor in the short term.
From production prosperity to market prosperity, a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises were eliminated or annexed into the middle-class stage, and the population further moved a large number of farmers from the county to work in cities.
Once this trend is irreversible.
Some people go further, because the coastal resources are invested the most, and the economic development in the areas is also the fastest. At first, they went back and forth to their hometown like migratory birds.
Many people work and save money to return to the village to build beautiful buildings, which has become a way of neighborhood comparison, but gradually more and more people choose to settle in distant cities.
Those who can really stay in the prosperous cities in the distance are the ones with the strongest social competitiveness, and most of them have to return to their hometowns.
In the new century, this process has suddenly accelerated. If the population moves from rural areas to county towns and then from county towns to regional central cities such as prefecture-level cities.
With the maturity of industrialization, there is no need for so many agricultural population, but with the crazy promotion of marketization, huge interests drive the real estate industry to break out
Every new urban area has expanded rapidly, and it took more than ten years to complete the urbanization process in many countries.
The sustained and high-speed economic development has improved people’s living standards, reduced resources, changed efficiency, changed social structure and changed people’s identity and situation.
However, the expansion of one-way mode is the culmination of urbanization, and the high resources make the efficiency have an inflection point. Exceeding a certain scale will lead to increased consumption and resource waves.
At first, it was the loss of population in the county, and the central city continued to absorb the population resources of the surrounding counties. From nearly ten years ago, even many cities lost their population and capital and flowed to more developed first-and second-tier cities.
The village where Mei Yeshi was born is very depressed today, except for the old people and children.
Young people go out to work, or buy houses in counties and cities to settle down, leaving old people and children because their children or parents are still unable to take them away.
Whether such villages are necessary is another topic.
Wuhu city has also entered the stage of blood loss, and talents and capital are constantly out of market competition. Many local production enterprises have closed down and died.
The transfer of production means the transfer of jobs, and the employment population will inevitably shrink with the transfer.
In the process of population growth, the continuous outflow of population after reaching the peak is two States, and the real estate industry is the last struggle in this process, which has absorbed a large number of families’ accumulated wealth for decades.