Luo Jialan has never called Luo’s royal dye management in the middle of the night to discuss anything. Today is an exception.

"The master called us in such a hurry to estimate what the big deal is!"
"Haven’t you heard that Yujieshan recovered most of the King Yi but disappeared for half a month? It’s estimated that this is the order of the Lord!"
"What is this thing?"
"shh! Don’t dare to talk nonsense and see what the master said for a while! "
Luo’s gentleman dyes the steward, so there are only a few people, the housekeeper Gu Xun, and several old people who are in charge of bank accounts around the country.
Several people saw Luo Jialan coming and hurriedly saluted "The master is well!"
Luo Jialan reciprocated with some apologies, saying, "Today, at this time, I called you here. Is it because I am thoughtless and blue? I apologize to you first!"
Luo Jialan sincerely saluted these people again.
At this time, everyone hurriedly said, "Where is the master? This is what we people should do."
Luo Jialan then took a seat and added, "It’s really urgent to call you here so late. You all know that behind me, Luo’s Jun Ran is a little prince from southern Xinjiang. It’s a kiss with Jia Lan’s cousin. Now that the little prince is in trouble in northern Xinjiang, I can help you even though I have a weak voice!"
At this time, everyone nodded, "King Jingnan has helped me a lot, and the little prince’s business is that I have fallen into the gentleman’s business!"
Luo Jialan nodded and said, "These families in northern Xinjiang actually burned this fire, so I will put it out for him to see if the imperial court is powerful here or he is powerful in northern Xinjiang!"
"From now on, the dividends of these families in northern Xinjiang will be withdrawn and 300 thousand silver will be taken out to fill all these patches in northern Xinjiang."
At this time, someone said, "If the householder asks these people in northern Xinjiang to withdraw from Luoshi Jun’s dye, I’m afraid there are some shortcomings in three hundred thousand! It’s a little hard to do this without 500 thousand! "
Luo Jialan then continued, "It’s my last kindness to Luo Jialan to his northern Xinjiang to pay some money and calculate 100 thousand to solve this matter!"
Many people don’t agree with Luo Jialan’s forcing the family to withdraw their capital. If he wants to develop rapidly in northern Xinjiang in the future, he needs these families to support him. It’s not a force to offend the family in northern Xinjiang so abruptly, which is not good for the development of Luo Jiajun’s dyeing.
But in this situation, no one dares to say no because it involves the death of Zhong Li.
Chapter 34 Can’t send
Twenty-five years in the summer of Jia
The first major reorganization of Luo’s Jun Dye in northern Xinjiang was so hastily finalized on the first night of July that the owner Luo Jialan showed amazing decision-making power in this matter, which made the Luo’s Jun Dye giant a little scared.
It was a long time before Calgary finally thought of it.
After a day and a night in a coma, Zhong Liyi finally woke up in a daze the next evening.
Zhong Li’s memory still lingers at the moment when he was hit by an arrow. He remembers that he seemed to see the first snow. She sat on a red-maned horse and looked at him independently.
He seems to be under the illusion that the man seemed to be in a hurry when he saw his horse fall?
This room is sweltering and humid to the extreme, and I feel that my throat is bitter, like how many potions have been poured.
Zhong Liyan struggled to open his eyes to say something, only to find that his throat seemed to have been dried, and there seemed to be a crack in it. If he moved a little or swallowed, those cracks would expand and extend to the depths of his throat!
He wanted to say something to express his desire to drink water, but his throat was so sore that he felt like a knife if he moved a little!
At this moment, he heard something rolling, turned around with difficulty, and saw Churuxue slowly coming towards him in a wheelchair. When he passed by the table, Churuxue poured a glass of water conveniently.
Because the clock can’t move, it’s like snow at first. Take a small spoon and carefully scoop a spoon and hand it to the mouth of the clock to moisten his lips before sending it to the mouth of the clock.
Zhong Liyi was surprised by this sudden special treatment and forgot to drink water. She just looked at Chu Ruxue and wanted to say something, only to find that she couldn’t send it at all!
So I hurriedly bowed my head and took a sip of it, which was simply a sweet spring to nourish Zhong Li’s long-dried body!
As early as snow, I handed another spoonful of words, "Slow down and choke carefully."
Zhong Li, who can be treated like this, is very heart-warming. He listened to the spoonful of warm water and drank it in one gulp before gradually moving his throat. He found that it seemed to be better. The feeling of cracks in many mouths was not so obvious, and he felt a little normal.
"I …"
As soon as Zhong Liyan said a word, he found that his hair seemed strange, and then he realized that his voice was hoarse.
Churuxue continued to feed him a few spoonfuls of water. "I was wrong. I didn’t expect you to be so thirsty after taking that medicine. Just drink some white water for a while and ask the kitchen to cook lotus porridge and drink more bowls."
At this moment, Zhong Li-yi felt difficult and couldn’t say a word, so he lay there listening to Chu Ru-xue.
"What happened to you in Xian County was also my negligence. I didn’t watch the Wangs’ plot carefully, but it’s no big loss. It’s good that you are alive."
He’s alive, okay? What does this mean? Zhong Li-yi looked at Churu as snow, and some hated that she couldn’t send it, otherwise she would definitely say something now!
"It’s complicated in northern Xinjiang, and I’ll tell you slowly in the future. I’ll take good care of myself these days. With me in the Wangs, these people won’t do anything out of line to push things to the northwest. Now it’s really a little fast, but they can wait a few days for the autumn harvest. Hunu winter ranch is farther north than the current front, so their military supplies will be more difficult than now, and it won’t be a mistake to attack again."
At the beginning of the snow, I saw that Zhong Li didn’t drink water, so I put the cup on the bedside table and carefully tucked it in for Zhong Li Ye.
At this moment, Zhong Liyan was finally able to spit out a few words slowly, so he asked slowly with great difficulty, "Are you … ok?"
This is to ask what is wrong with the brain because it is like snow at first. It’s like snow at the beginning. When I think of what happened in the mountain that day, I know that she was thrown by the horse. The scene was seen by Zhong Lishan, so I’m here to ask her how she is.
This inexplicable question is called Chu Ruxue, with some feelings in his heart, but he doesn’t show his face. "I have nothing to do. You’d better be careful about yourself. You are so hurt, but you care about others?"
Zhong Li wanted to laugh, but found that he wanted to move his body, and the wound in his heart hurt, and even his back spine trembled!
This time, I was seriously injured!
But at this moment, Zhong Liyan felt that his greatest threat was not from the wound, but …
"hot! Be! "
Zhong Li can express himself in the simplest words. It’s like snow at first. Look at his forehead. There is a thick layer of sweat. He is wearing such a big wound. If he is stained with sweat, it will inevitably become inflamed. So as early as snow, he will lift it a little.
I found that the quilt seemed a little heavy for Zhong Liyi, so I asked someone to change it into a brand-new cotton quilt, and the back quilt was breathable. At this time, Zhong Liyi felt that it seemed to feel better, so he seriously lay down and turned to look at the first snow.
After a little tossing, the lotus soup in the kitchen is all right, and it tastes just right after being chilled. As before, I gave it to Zhong Li in a spoonful. I thought it was an honor, but when I accepted it, I was generous and didn’t want to be grateful!
It was a hard battle from the beginning of June to the end of June. He came that night to fight Hunu with the determination to die.
Before coming to northern Xinjiang, Zhong Liyi thought that he might die in the battlefield, but he never thought that he was killed by people surrounded by a humble mountain.
At that time, it was impossible to say no regrets. When death came, no one said so calmly that he was not afraid of Kuang Zhong. At this time, he was unwilling to face death.
Churuxue finally came, although he was a little nervous, but at least he was still alive.
Zhong Liyan didn’t expect that he would be injured by the flow vector and hurt in such a terrible place!
Now lying motionless in bed and asking people to wait on him is not a good thing in Zhong Liyi’s view, because he likes to run and play boxing and practice sword, which is really not good or Cher’s chess!
But it seems that these things can’t be done in a short time. You can lie on your clothes like this and reach for food!