Gu Chengyu went to see her and saw that she was nervous. She asked her, "My sister has always had great ideas. Why don’t you ask her?"

It’s not much for him to know about the boudoir, so he hopes for Gu Yan.
Aunt Ma brightened up at the moment and waited for the excitement to pass, but then she sighed for half a day before explaining to Gu Chengyu, "Your sister has been annoyed recently, and I have been at odds with her again. How can I find her now?"
Gu Yan is not the kind of person who steps down and climbs up, and he doesn’t learn from those who recognize his own mother and deny his own mother. How can an ordinary woman have a hard time with her own mother?
Gu Chengyu was amazed and asked her, "How did you make it awkward? Did my sister do something wrong? "
He and Gu Yan recognized Aunt Ma, the biological mother, from an early age, and they were bent on helping her to be pampered, so they didn’t feel anything wrong with honorifics.
Aunt Ma doesn’t want to tell Gu Chengyu this.
Gu Yan is really getting bolder and bolder recently, but I don’t know when she started to be more and more demanding.
In this way, she felt a little shaky and grabbed Gu Chengyu and said eagerly, "You have to persuade your sister!"
After all, Gu Chengyu grew up with Gu Yan and has a good relationship. Gu Chengyu has studied abroad and seen more. Maybe he is willing to listen to Gu Yan.
Gu Chengyu saw that her face looked bad and she was a little upset, so she also restrained her smile and asked her seriously, "What happened? You said that I can always think of a solution when I listen to the two of us. "
Aunt Ma hesitated for a moment and then told him what Gu Yan had said.
At the end, he added, "Look at her momentum. She won’t give up until she reaches the Yellow River. I don’t know that she is so angry with her wife and nine girls at an early age that she seems to be endless. If I hadn’t tried hard to persuade her, she would have joined forces with that aunt Liu!"
That aunt Liu, Gu Chengyu, has heard that Gu Chengyu knew that she was not a provincial oil lamp since she was able to chase Gu Boqi all the way to Shengjing Houfu. She was pregnant with Gu Boqi’s child and even the old lady could let her in.
How can such a delicate face be trust?
Join hands with her? Even in the end, I’m afraid I’ll have to be killed.
And then he remembered yesterday when he was humiliated, Gu Yan couldn’t hide his hatred in his eyes and his murderous eyes were a little afraid.
After careful consideration, he got up and said to Aunt Ma, "I’ll go to her place. Please relax and wait for my news."
Gu Yan’s courtyard door was half-hidden, and there was a girl holding Gu Yan’s favorite cat at the edge of the corridor. When she saw him coming, she said softly, "Master Wu, are you here?"
Gu Chengyu also conveniently put light footsteps nodded and asked her; "Where are your girls?"
The girl whispered to Rinunu that "I just lost my temper and even scolded my sister."
Gu Chengyu gestured to know that he didn’t want anyone to curtain himself. When he entered the room, he saw Gu Yan leaning on the beauty couch and closing his eyes to rest.
Heard footsteps Gu Yan swish opened his eyes to see who was coming, so he got up and called someone to pour tea and asked him, "Didn’t you say that Genhe’s father went out to recognize the door today?" How can you come to me? "
Gu Chengyu didn’t talk, but just sat there and asked her, "I heard that you are very involved with that aunt Liu?"
It’s nothing but mutual benefit.
Gu Yan turned his eyes round and round and asked him, "Is it my aunt who told you?"
Gu Chengyu did not deny asking her, "Don’t be stupid. I will solve everything with my brother!"
Solve? How to solve it?
Gu Yan doesn’t believe that Gu Chengyu will be able to win the favor of Gu Boqi again, but he is just an ordinary person who has modern knowledge. Modern people have read China for five thousand years and have seen many intrigue novels and palace fights. She doesn’t believe who will be more calculating than herself.
Aunt Liu is a tiger, so what? She is a tiger and a fox, and no one can take advantage of herself.
She gave Gu Chengyu tea leisurely and smiled at him mysteriously. "Brother, don’t worry, I have prepared a good show. Brother needs to wait and see the good show."
Gu Chengyu was curious to see her smile triumphantly, but she refused to say anything when she asked her again.
Here, the brothers and sisters are gossiping, while Aunt Liu is in full swing to arrange for Mama Liu and them to act according to the plan.
Luo Yun Temple is located in Shengshizhai, a suburb of Shengjing. The Shengshizhai is a high mountain, surrounded by clouds all the year round, but it is extremely difficult to climb. Therefore, people who go there often go to the next day early in the morning before they have the strength.
This review is no exception for them. Gu Boqi sent someone to greet the abbot early, and it was also cheap for them to entertain Hou Fu’s harem that day.
Aunt Liu looked at the rough maps and asked her mother Liu, "At the corner of the top of the mountain? It’s hard to walk here, and it’s enough for a carriage to pass. How can you hide people? "
Mother Liu laughed. "There’s no need to hide people’s hands. This road is so steep and slippery. Sprinkle some beans there to keep the horse going crazy. It’s inevitable that the little horse will fall off the cliff a little."
This method is indeed feasible.
Aunt Liu thought for a while and worried, "Gu Man, the Grinch stole Christmas, maybe she’ll come and go on her own when she sees the steep road?" Besides, there can be a carriage to smoke, and that girl can be there. "
Where can I find Gu Yan and Gu Man? Liu’s mother’s face turned into a chrysanthemum and woke her up. "The three girls can also go together, and naturally they are there."