The queen bit her lips and walked slowly with her skirt. The maid-in-waiting wanted to give the queen an umbrella, but suddenly she felt her knees fall to the ground.

The heavy rain fell on the queen’s face, and her delicate makeup was instantly drenched with flowers. But she still pretended to be calm and said, "Brother, why did you come today?"
"Take you to admit your mistake." Che Wang looked at the queen coldly and then turned his attention to the closed door.
There was a dead silence around the words, only the sound of rain washing the ground.
The queen looked at Che Wang with surprise. He was helping Ye Qianlong, the little bitch, but Che Wang hasn’t been out of the government for more than 20 years and should have never seen Ye Qianlong.
"Do you want our wing army to be destroyed?" Che Wang Ye’s voice sounded coldly again.
At this time, people from all over the world are here. If she apologizes to Ye Qianlong here, she will be able to stand in front of the world in the future.
But the distance is very close, and she can’t let the wing country be destroyed by her hand, so the queen clenched her fist and said, "Ye Qianlong is the palace and the emperor who listened to the rumors …"
The queen’s words haven’t finished. The closed door was beaten. Ye Qianlong and his party appeared in front of everyone.
Ye Qianlong’s skin in white is better than snow, and his eyes are still like a clear water. Looking around, he has his own elegant and luxurious temperament, which makes people dare not blaspheme.
When Lord Che saw her, his eyes suddenly rolled up with huge waves. However, a smiling face was in front of him in a second. Then Yin Yichu put an umbrella over his head and smiled ingratiatingly. "Hey, old man, are you willing to leave the house?"
"See Che Wang Ye Qianlong and Xu Xuan Yue saluted together. Apart from this nature, Yin Yichu and Che Wang are somewhat similar in appearance, but this temperament is thousands of miles away.
This report, with a wave, said, "Now that people are here, let’s do it."
An elderly official said, "I report to you that the late Emperor was murdered rather than died of illness. I found a lot of evidence and a witness, Li Gonggong."
"After investigation, Emperor Xin’s character was tyrannical and he hunted young children. Thousands of children died in the hunting area."
"After investigation, the Queen Mother Zuo’s harem was in trouble, and the ministers in the DPRK remained unfair."
"After investigation …"
Chapter 52 Jiangshan changed hands (2)
A series of crimes were exposed as if a huge lightning strike was on the queen’s head. The queen felt a whirlwind and almost fell down. She did her best to stabilize herself. At that time, she burned down the first emperor’s bedroom, but she didn’t expect Li Gonggong to escape and tremble. "Nonsense, you are going to slander the palace!"
"Mother, mother, save me" is too scared to see the evidence in the hand of the minister. At this time, he is trembling with fear. Where is there any emperor?
The queen looked at Taina and felt that her biggest mistake was to choose such a worthless puppet, so she gritted her teeth and said, "Brother, these are all planned by Yu ‘er. I helped him only as a last resort when he threatened me."
Smell speech is unbelievable, stare big eyes, mother. Is this to abandon him?
When they heard these words, they were all shocked. I didn’t expect this Taihe Queen to jointly murder their first emperor, but also to blame Ye Qianlong. Now that things have been exposed, the Queen has pushed everything to the body.
Yin Yichu couldn’t help sneering, "Yin Yu, if you were the king, tell everything you know, so you may still live, otherwise you can’t afford this crime of murdering the first emperor."
Yin Yu looked at his body and trembled violently. His eyes were full of struggle, but he didn’t know whether he should talk or not.
"Yu ‘er, think about how good your mother is to you. If it weren’t for your mother, she wouldn’t have done this." The queen looked up at her thin body and cried bitterly.
Treat him well. Poison him to control him? Is she waking up to her poison? It’s over, even if he dies, he’ll pull a cushion too suddenly. "I’m not too much. I’m just her to usurp the throne. I thought you’d be kind to me when I get the throne, but now you have to give me everything back and get away with it?" How can I let you get what you want? Since you are heartless, don’t blame me for being unjust. "
Say Yin Yu suddenly took out a pile of paper from the ring and handed it directly to the front of Che Wang and whispered, "Uncle, this is the queen’s crime. I have secretly adjusted it for a long time."
Yin Yu was so angry that she didn’t even call her mother.
Che Wang took the paper from Yin Yu’s hand and looked at it more and more, which made him feel shocking. It is no wonder that the royal family Sun withered and later entered the palace, and all the concubines were given fertility drugs. Some former emperors always died of illness, leaving a group of princesses and emperors, but Taigen was not a queen. Second, he held it from the outside to stabilize his position.
For a long time, the report turned his back on the queen and said, "Do you remember the cup of drunken fairy wine that you were given by the first emperor on your wedding day? Maybe this is the causal cycle. "
The queen could no longer hold herself steady and suddenly fell to the ground. She seemed to be lost in some kind of memory, but she couldn’t say a word with her mouth open. She lost completely.
The rain gradually stopped, and the lantern in front of the door gave off a dim light. The prince looked at it and cried hysterically. There was no temperature in the queen’s eyes.
At the same time, in the dark, Li Gonggong suddenly came forward and knelt down with two imperial edicts. "This is the first time that the emperor left two imperial edicts and ordered the slave to give it to you, so don’t fall into other people’s hands."
Looking at the imperial edict, the report seems to have guessed something, but it is slow to reach out and pick it up.
Yin Yichu picked his eyebrows and threw away his umbrella. He grabbed the imperial edict from Li Gonggong’s hand and did not hesitate to hit it. When he saw it, he was surprised and stared at Ye Qianlong.
"Fengtian carries the emperor Zhao Yue, the six daughters of the General’s Office, Ye Qianlong, who is intelligent, agile, dignified, dignified, respectful and cautious. Minhui leads the ceremony without crossing me, that is, from today on, the adopted daughter confers the title of Worry Princess!"
"Fengtian carries the emperor Zhao Yue Che, Wang Yinche, who is precious and deeply humble, and will be able to inherit the great system and succeed me in becoming emperor!"