Those Turkish soldiers stopped to watch when they saw what had just flown and came again.

But this time, those things not only flew over their heads, but also gave them some wrenches and stones. The Turkish army queue was in a mess. The soldiers all looked for places on the side of the road, and many officers pulled out their pistols, but they could help to watch the distant planes.
"Well … great! Those Turks must be scared! " The pilots of the flying squad celebrated with heart.
"Guys, give them one more time!" Fritz shouted loudly and then tilted his head and asked Nico, "Do you have any other guys there?"
"What should I do if the wrenches are still gone just now?" Nico shook his hand.
"shoes! Belt! Pants! If you can throw it, throw it! "
Nico Khan …
Fritz and his flying team threw many messy things back and forth at the head of the Turkish army several times before they left.
At this time, Turkish officers were driving the scattered soldiers on belts to March forward again. By the time they came out again, nearly an hour had passed. By this time, Ollie and Kemal had taken their troops to the defensive position in the south of the valley, and their weapons and ammunition had been carried in place.
"quick! Hurry up and cheer for us! " Fritz stopped the plane and called the ground crew to refuel the plane, while he ran in the direction of the military camp with Nico in disheveled clothes.
"hurry up! Come with me to get some guns, ammunition and grenades! "
Swish … cough up …
In the trenches, Ollie and Kemal soldiers loaded their guns, and Maxim machine guns were loaded. Everyone’s eyes were closely watching the distant horizon ahead, and a moving yellow line gradually appeared …
General Fatih, the commander of that Turkish army, was newly transferred from Istanbul to Thessaloniki by the Turkish government. Before he arrived, he was ordered to set off three fires and then came out with these four regiments of infantry to "counterinsurgency". According to him, the reason for this incident was that a batch of arms, including several cannons, were smuggled into Thessaloniki by accident. The Turkish government attached great importance to this and was worried. They thought that someone was preparing for rebellion and the government received information. Many armed forces gathered in the valley of 100 miles south of Lornica, and many of these people were in the local garrison. They ordered Fatih to close the camp and suddenly brought troops.
Fatih looked at the team beside him, and the morale of these soldiers was very low. After several times of tossing the army by those planes just now, the specific number and equipment of the "counter-insurgency" were not clear at all, but I brought a battalion of 6 pounds of guns this time. Those Uzbeks rebels heard the gunfire and were estimated to run faster than rabbits. Fatih smiled disdainfully here, but it seems that they should not be too contemptuous to think that the dark clouds of those planes will soon climb their foreheads again.
Fatih saw from the telescope that there were many trenches dug at the edge of the valley. He wanted to encircle the rebels and hid in the trenches behind those trenches.
"Stop moving forward! The infantry lined up artillery to prepare for shooting! " After entering the 6-pound gun range, Fatih commanded the Turkish army to prepare for the attack
Ollie’s side saw each other’s artillery preparations and ordered everyone to hide in the trenches. Some time ago, a batch of artillery was shipped from Germany, but it was confiscated by the Turkish government when it was unloaded. Now they have no heavy weapons except those Ma Keqin and several mortars.
Boom … Boom …
Plumes of white smoke rose from the positions of the Turkish army. The first battle of the Ollie regiment …
Chapter 33 Angel arrival
Bang …
Ollie’s position shook here.
Ollie veterans sat in the trenches and smoked or closed their eyes, while Kemal Turkish guerrillas and recruits huddled in the trenches and kept trembling. Some of them dared to try to stick their heads out of the trenches but were shouted back by the officers.
In the trench, Ollie observed the opposite situation through a telescope. The Turkish infantry had been lined up. There was nothing new in their formation. It was simply to line up the infantry in several horizontal lines, about 5 meters apart. The first two horizontal lines were almost 1ooo. When they advanced to the center of the battlefield, the Turkish artillery stopped.
"Everyone into the position! Prepare to shoot! " Ollie veterans unhurriedly prepared their weapons, put bombs and grenades at their hands, and the officers rushed back and forth to drag some recruits who were still in the trenches.
Those two squadrons of Turkish infantry are advancing quickly.
"The ruler is 1 km!"
"Scale 500 meters! Fire! "
At the moment, the position spit out several deadly flames, and the front Turkish infantry also fell like wheat cutting.
"Wow …"
Turkish infantry suddenly turned around and ran several times faster than their previous progress. Some of them ran fast with a cloud of dust and were ahead of their queues for several positions. With this degree, they could almost win the Olympic Games.
"Cease fire!"
Ollie gave a cease-fire order, and the officers ran back and forth again to stop the recruits from shooting. There were not a hundred bodies left in front of them. Turkey slipped so fast that Ollie sighed.
"Mr. School, do your troops all run so fast?" Ollie looked at one side and Kemal Gherardini asked
"Er … I said the Turkish army fighting capacity is very weak! But another reason is that these people belong to the young officers in the Thessaloniki garrison, and they are our people. They have no intention of fighting us seriously! "
"Oh?" Ollie looked at Kemal and suddenly had an idea.
"Tell the soldiers that we will counter-charge after the enemy attacks!" Ollie called several officers and told them to give this order to the soldiers soon.
On the other hand, General Fatih of the Turkish government was livid with anger. As soon as the other side got angry, his soldiers fled back like crazy, which made him feel really ashamed of his ancestors.
"Waste! Waste! " He called the previous attacking officer and lashed out "Give me more fire!"! Be sure to blow up those rebels in their positions! "
"General, we didn’t bring many shells this time. We just lost half of them!" The artillery command ran up to Fatih and objected to his ord.
"What? Why don’t you bring more shells? " Fatih whipped the poor artillery captain hard.
"General, we usually bring so much ammunition. This is the rule! Besides, we didn’t expect that before the rebels were so powerful, we all fled as soon as the guns hit each other! " The commandant covered his face and explained falteringly.
"No matter! You give me all the shells this time! " Fatih raised his telescope and looked at the opposite position. There were few figures left, and the other side should be hiding in the trenches again.
"A group of mice!" Fatih bad to ruthlessly scold a way
Five minutes later, the Turkish artillery fired all their shells, but they smashed holes in Orly’s position, and there was no loss here except for the eardrums of several soldiers.
"attack! Attack! Who dares to retreat to military law! " Fatih Heli shouted loudly. In front of him, four horizontal lines were marching forward at a chaotic pace.
"This is the most timid army I have ever seen!" A German veteran in the trench angrily complained to the people next to him, "I just shot twice and they slipped their ass at us!" I hate aiming at other people’s ass guns! "