I haven’t talked about feelings. If I’m busy, I can forget everything. If I can control my heart, I can do it.

Ping Yue smiled with an unusual stupidity. "Not only do I miss him, I also want to see him talk to him every day, eat with him and stay with him without doing anything. I’m also happy if I can sleep in a quilt …"
"Stop, stop!" Song Shifeng’s face was black. "I don’t want to know if you’re with me, and I don’t want to know if you’re Lu Ge."
"So now I can make a suit for him to celebrate his birthday. If I can’t sleep in the same bed, then I can sleep in the same cloth for half a bed. I’m very happy to think that he wears my clothes." Ping Yue laughs and laughs. "You are heartless and can’t understand my mood."
"I don’t even look back when you hit the south wall." I can’t understand this kind of hot mood. People are so annoyed with you that you still have to stick the same cloth back.
"I’m willing to break my head." Tailor romance is beyond the understanding of most people.
"Hot face sticks to people’s cold ass!" Song Shifeng’s words are not vicious. He really wants to wake up this stupid guy. People don’t like him. Can you know that? Are we so worthless?
"Peacocks can’t dress up like you!" Pingyue never gave in, and each of them had no face.
"I don’t care if you make clothes for him, but I can’t lose them." I earnestly advised that Song Shifeng didn’t directly squeeze the rice pot.
"Magazines can’t always belong to both of us. You have to absorb some new blood, otherwise it will be easy to get tired of aesthetics, okay?"
"In the pot, you told me to find rice where can I find it? Do you want the street? " He just doesn’t spit, and of course he’s telling the truth.
"Anyway, I can’t smash the signboard with perfunctory appearance." Some people insist.
"If you don’t do it, I’ll just write the designer’s slip number in a magazine."
"Yes, I’ll see if you dare!"
Song Shifeng really dared.
The magazine really bought two pages of snow-white paper and a row of big characters, and the designer slipped the number.
However, the magazine printed two more pages, and other topics filled the gap, which could not really make readers buy a day to go back.
But I didn’t expect this move to blow up a wave of wild designers, and it was a pleasant surprise for them to find out a few good ones.
Let’s not talk about Lu Ting’s birthday.
This birthday party was a big success. It was packed in the biggest restaurant in the county and made into a western-style buffet cold meal. The men in suits and women’s skirts were flying, and they were all dressed up and laughing with goblets.
I don’t know how many times I practiced at home before.
Song Shifeng, the younger brother who is covered, can’t be absent naturally because he is a guest. He has a good look and doesn’t look too eye-catching. He wears his best watch on his wrist, which is not a big name. The overall equipment is very consistent with his guest status.
Song Shifeng attended a lot of banquets, but it was the first time for him to participate in foreign meat. Before leaving, he specially consulted Yang Jiabao, so he was somewhat confident.
However, the banquet is so beautiful. It’s beautiful and fresh, but I’m embarrassed to eat more of him. Song Shifeng is a respectable person. On this occasion, everyone is holding glasses and pretending. How can he eat like a pig? How can he pretend to be more elegant than everyone else? He ate two snacks and drank a lot of sparkling wine in one night.
Drinking too much wine can’t stand the bladder, but Song Shifeng didn’t know that hygiene on this occasion is a frequent accident.
No sooner had Song Shifeng reached the health door than he heard a strange sound. He didn’t think much of raising his hand and pushed the door for urgency. Where did he think so much?
Then I saw a tall man with his back to him holding someone … playing with waves? Why do you still seem to punch and kick? It’s bam, right …
What is this hobby, messing around in the toilet? Is that what you like?
No, this is the men’s room, right?
Song Shifeng quit and took a look at the sign. Yes, it’s the men’s room.
Yeah, I’m glad my stomach is bursting. He rolled his eyes, unbuttoned his pants and let the water out.
It’s really good for a man to block a woman in the men’s toilet and wave!
Huh? Woman? !
Song Shifeng suddenly had a split pee. Grandma peed in front of women, and the old night was in danger!
"You two …" He just said two words at losing. The tall man with his back to him was suddenly pushed away, and then Song Shifeng saw the people inside.
You!’ He kept his mouth open for a long time, but he couldn’t keep his tongue straight. Lu Ting Lu is so powerful that he was forced to kiss! Still a man! As far as his image and momentum are concerned, it is only when he presses people to kiss that it conforms to the consistent law. Why is it reversed now? Isn’t it true that men can’t knock their teeth when they play with men? At that time, Song Shifeng’s mind was a mess
Before he could straighten his tongue, the man suddenly turned around.
Song Shifeng felt like a rabbit’s hair was blown into a ball by an eagle. For a moment, he felt that he might be silenced.
"Don’t roll!" Lu ting growled
Song Shifeng’s consciousness will leave
"Not you!"
The tall man seemed to chuckle for a while, and the wind was not sure if he was hearing voices. Anyway, he saw Lu Ting’s face turned black and became the bottom of the pot.
When Song Shifeng passed by, the man’s eyes didn’t give alms. He strutted as if this was not a toilet but some advanced place. It was a gesture of the people to walk out of an inferior position.
What a psycho! The brain has been in a closed loop, but it doesn’t delay Song Shifeng’s indignation.
"What do you see?" Lu ting’s black face and dark eyes are scary.
"What else can two men see in the toilet?" Song Shifeng, a qualified social person, took out the most correct answer.
Lu Ting Chou his one eye Song Shifeng can be sure that this one eye is definitely a threat.
After a glance, he began to tidy up the ceremony in front of the mirror. Song Shifeng noticed his clothes, and then he was filled with hard work. He was blind because he didn’t wear his clothes.
It’s better to dress him in that dress. It’s beautiful. His eyes are greedy and he’s not allowed to try it. His brain suddenly flies to the horizon and his ear suddenly says, "Shut up no matter what you see?"
Song Shifeng made a shut-up when he was very knowledgeable during the recovery.