God wants to be the emperor of China, so it is impossible for Wang Yue, the fat man of Shuangcheng, to say these words are nonsense.

In order to give Tianmen an account of these nonsense, Wang Yue still has to say that after all, Wang Yue is not only the owner of the Twin Cities, but also the Tianmen people.
Jueshen sneered, "Wang Yuezuo believes that the last person to die must be you."
Wang Yue smiled and said, "I’m wiping my eyes."
Jueshen got up and said "Let’s go" to Pojun and Juexin.
Pojun, Juexin, Juetian, Ye Rong and others followed Jueshen out of the hall and went to worship the sword hill to arrange the wing to rest.
Jueshen left Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, and they were relieved. Although Jueshen was a Japanese, his martial arts was really strong, and the imposing manner alone put a lot of pressure on Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng.
Nie Feng said to Wang Yue, "Uncle Wang, can you win the game?"
Name, proud owner, Bu Jingyun, and even Duanlang all looked at Wang Yue.
Wang Yue frowned and said in silence, "The amazing martial arts are really unfathomable. Just now, the two of us were trying to make no effort, but I feel that I can’t beat him."
Although I hate to admit it, Wang Yue is not sure to win the game.
Wang Yue has already imagined the unique martial arts to be very high, but he still underestimated it when he really met.
Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng are eyebrows a wrinkly some nai in my heart.
Bu Jingyun said, "So no one in China can win the devil?"
Wang Yue said, "There is a lot of land in China that can win the invincible master, but we should not pin our hopes on them. It is up to us to destroy these enemies."
"You can rest assured that God is no better than I have a famous elder. Even if we can’t win him alone, I can definitely break his immortal golden body and slay him with a famous elder."
The name sighed and said, "Wang Yue, it is even immoral for you and me to join hands to kill the unique god."
Wang Yue sneered, "The famous elder is a pirate. He has come to seize our land in China. Do we still have to talk to him about Jianghu morality?"
Unique god and others returned to the residence unique heart just said "dad this Wang Yuezhen so much? Even you are not an opponent? "
Jueshen said, "Wang Yue is really good. He just tested his martial arts, which should be similar to his name. He won or lost, that is to say, five or five, but there is an immortal golden body to fight. In the end, the winner must be my determination to prepare the numbness and bone poison. We will catch all these Shenzhou masters after we get the peerless sword."
The limp and numb bones are the unique poison of the Divine Palace.
This kind of poison fighters will lose their virginity and tenderness after being hit. Even the practitioners in the heaven realm can’t have the capability to expel the toxin from the body. The antidote to numbness and bone is unique to God.
"It’s dad," he said happily.
If you want to come to worship the Sword Villa, you can easily take the whole China Jianghu and deal with the Chinese court.
Chapter 44 God Gang Golden Body
"Nie Fengtian is the Excalibur. It will not be peaceful if you have a magical sword worship villa on Sunday." Wang Yue sat in the room and said to Nie Feng, "If you are not interested in a beautiful sword, don’t pay attention to Excalibur and take care of your mother."
Tianwangyue will stop Jueshen and Pojun from getting the sword.
Nie Feng nods, "It’s Uncle Wang."
Even if Wang Yue doesn’t talk about Nie Feng, he will protect Yan Ying.
Nie Feng also knew that Wang Yuetian could not have the energy to protect Yan Ying to deal with the unique god.
Yan Ying asked, "Wang Yue unique god even if you are overbearing, it is impossible to worship the sword hill to kill, right? In this way, he will be hostile to the whole Shenzhou Wulin, and he can’t dominate the sky without the support of Shenzhou Wulin and the people. "