The little girl’s voice trembled a little

"Hello, I’m your granddaughter."
Chapter 2 Chocolate
Hello, listening to you doesn’t sound like the first meeting between grandpa and grandson, but like two adults.
In fact, if it weren’t for the little girl’s mother’s accidental cancer, it was very late when it was discovered, and Ji Xinghe might never have seen the little girl or known that he had a granddaughter.
Before Ji Chenxing’s sacrifice, the girl’s mother was afraid of Ji Chenxing’s future, but after Ji Chenxing’s sacrifice, she was afraid of Ji Chenxing’s reputation. The little girl should live with her mother, but her mother didn’t have this life, so she left her own life and she became Ji Xinghe’s life.
Do you know that?/You know what? If you hadn’t shown up, I would have come to this planet, but I would have died on this planet. Now I don’t want to die, and I’m still afraid of the cause of death. I’m afraid that no one will take care of you after I die.
Ji Xinghe couldn’t say anything in his heart. He felt that the little girl couldn’t understand him and he didn’t want the little girl to bear this age. Shouldn’t she bear those six years old? No, she is actually five years old and six years old. She was born on the thirteenth of the twelfth lunar month. She is already two years old before the full moon, and her sixth birthday is still three months away.
But he didn’t know that it was a little girl who could really understand it, and there were some things that the little girl couldn’t say.
Do you know? I’m really scared. I almost forgot to mention you just now, but my mother said that adults don’t like rude children. If you don’t like me, you won’t want me. I’m afraid you won’t want me because my mother said that if I don’t have you to take care of me, I can’t grow up. I want to grow up, because when I grow up, I can go to the battlefield to avenge my father, and I can save many people like my mother.
Today is the first time for the little girl to see Ji Xinghe. She wants to leave a good impression on Ji Xinghe. Her mother told her to be sensible but not to be too mature, otherwise adults would be afraid that she didn’t know that her idea was really immature. If Aunt Wang, a nurse behind her, heard it, she would tell her that no one can become a super-class mecha, and at the same time, she can become a god doctor who can cure various incurable diseases. Because time and energy are limited, it is impossible for both of them to need ordinary people to work hard for half their lives and all their lives to reach the top level in the industry.
After greeting each other, silence came with the little girl. Nurse Wang walked from the room behind the little girl and patted her on the back.
"Yan Yan, don’t you have a lot of questions to ask your grandpa? Now you can ask what you want to say, right, Mr. Ji? "
Ji Xinghe suddenly nodded seriously and looked at Yan Yan with gentle eyes. "You can say whatever you want, and you can say that Grandpa won’t leave."
Is it the little girl Yan Yan who opened her eyes and looked at Ji Xinghe’s pupil and reflected clearly?
"Grandpa really won’t leave me?" Xinxin Yin is still trembling. "Won’t you leave me like dad? Won’t you leave me like mom?"
Ji Xinghe wanted to cry, but he couldn’t cry. He held out his right hand gently at Xinxin. "No, Grandpa won’t leave you. Grandpa will always grow up with you."
You are five, I am sixty-five, and when you grow up at twenty, I need to live for another fifteen years. I am in good health, but I can live to be ten years old.
Ji Xinghe’s generation has never hoped to live a long life as it is now. He doesn’t ask for high standards, so long as he can live to be ten years old.
Yan Yan carefully put her little hand in Ji Xinghe’s right hand, feeling the temperature and reality brought by this calloused hand. She put her right hand on the surface and carefully put her left hand on it.
Her hands are very small, but both of them can cover the palm of her hand. When she puts her left hand, she not only looks carefully, but also looks at Ji Xinghe’s eyes carefully, as if to see a little dissatisfaction, she will put her left hand away and withdraw her right hand.
But she didn’t see the slightest dissatisfaction in Ji Xinghe’s eyes. She was as gentle, distressed and caring as her mother’s eyes …
But grandpa’s eyes are the same as mom’s. Grandpa’s hands are as warm as mom’s hands, not mom’s hands in recent months, but former mom’s hands. Recently, mom’s hands have been cold. They say it’s because mom transfuses every day that the water in those bottles looks very cold
Ji Xinghe looked at Yan Yan, and his eyes and body couldn’t stop shaking. He didn’t tremble when Xin Fengcheng went to steal a single-soldier starship from the police station. He didn’t tremble when he faced the Federal Major General Tu Yuan. He didn’t tremble when he ran ten kilometers in 35 minutes. He didn’t tremble when he faced the super mecha Li Han, but now he is a little out of control.
I’ve been watching nurse Yan Xin Wang wipe a tear. It’s the second time she cried today, but this time she cried because she didn’t want to affect this pair of grandsons.
Xinxin didn’t cry. She thought Ji Xinghe’s hand was warm and real, which made her want to talk, but she didn’t know where to start. Children’s ability to choose words and sentences was weak, and their language organization skills were often chaotic.
Ji Xinghe took a deep breath and squatted down on his head, which made it worse. He was afraid that his exhaled breath would blow Yan Yan’s face and wanted to shelter Yan Yan from the wind and rain. How could he bring rain to Yan Yan?
"Xinxin, are you hungry?"
"Yan Yan is not hungry. Yan Yan just had a meal. Grandpa, are you hungry? Xinxin has two boxes of chocolate biscuits for grandpa to eat. "
Biscuits are not uncommon. Alien crops can be produced and self-sufficient, but chocolate is rare. The arable land resources will not grow cocoa trees, coffee trees, tea trees and other non-essential agricultural products.
Therefore, these two boxes of chocolate biscuits are precious to Yan Yan, and they are precious to many people in different stars.
"Grandpa is not hungry. Does Yan Yan like chocolate? Grandpa will buy it for you. "
Ji Xinghe had a problem and then followed Yan Yan’s words. It would be much easier to have a head and a tail.
Nurse Wang next to her wants to say that the chocolate in Base 6 is really expensive, and she knows that Ji Xinghe has no money and no ability to earn money. It is very valuable to come from the blue star to another star.
But she was embarrassed to say it directly, and she decided to buy some chocolates and secretly give them to Ji Xinghe as a gift when Ji Xinghe first met her granddaughter.
"Xinxin doesn’t eat. Mom says eating chocolate will cause tooth decay."
The little girl gave a reason not to, but her eyes were full of longing. It’s not her age to control children. How could she refuse the temptation of candy and chocolate?
Ji Xinghe laughed and thanked Li Han more in his heart. He squatted at the door and called his portable intelligent terminal, found the entrance of the No.6 base line mall and searched for chocolate. Then he was stunned.
Three centimeters in diameter, a chocolate, three contribution points, ten times the premium? But this premium is acceptable to everyone, because they are not enjoying life, they need to give birth to them, so that more people can give birth to the blue star safely.
"I have this I have this old gentleman I …"
Nurse Wang, with the load of eyes, ordered her portable intelligent terminal Alien. All adults have this kind of portable intelligent terminal. No, Alien was born for so many years, and there are still more than 100 children left in Alien. No, Xinxin is not.
From Ji Xinghe’s intelligent terminal, nurse Wang clearly saw that Ji Xinghe bought ten pieces at one time, and the three contribution points were her monthly base salary.
Is this old man rich?
No, it’s not that the old man is rich, but that he is generous and willing to give up his granddaughter.
Nurse Wang’s emotion has just appeared and Yan Yan’s cry has already sounded.
"Yan Yan doesn’t want chocolate … Grandpa doesn’t want to buy chocolate for Yan Yan. Yan Yan doesn’t want grandpa not to."
Ji Xinghe panicked.
"Grandpa wants Yan Yan. Grandpa said that Yan Yan will not leave Yan Yan until she grows up."
"But mom said that if Yan Yan spends money indiscriminately … Grandpa shouldn’t be Yan Yan because Grandpa has no money and he can’t make money when he is old."
"Mom is wrong. Grandpa has money. Grandpa can still earn money. Grandpa can earn a lot of money. Look, Grandpa still has a lot of money."