The performance of the fate of the spacecraft presents different characteristics of "immortality, elasticity and eternity"

To put it simply, it is the same time that the immortal airborne spacecraft is strong and flexible, while the eternal airborne spacecraft is strong.
Even if an immortal-class airborne ship is silent for a long time, the airborne nucleus still has immortal spiritual will, but its strength will gradually shrink and its power will gradually adjust, just like animals hibernate.
Eternal-class air transport ships are not like this. On how many years of silence, his air transport nuclear has always had the ability to repair itself, and its strength remains unchanged.
Many monks think that the eternal class air transport celestial ship is stronger than the immortal class air transport celestial ship because the eternal class air transport celestial ship is always in the peak fighting state, and once it is born, it can dominate the sky.
However, some monks think that the immortal aerocraft is the most powerful aerocraft in theory. For a very simple reason, the immortal aerocraft has a special growth that the eternal aerocraft can’t compare with.
Immortal-class air-ship will be able to cultivate and thrive continuously after this life, and eventually it will not only grow to the level before it sleeps, but also far exceed the theoretical level. When it meets a powerful master, its combat effectiveness will surpass the eternal level in the later period.
At present, this fate ship has a smart ratio of fate nuclear, but its body contains energy, but it is not very strong, more like an immortal fate ship.
Sun Hao stretched out his palm and the snow finch fluttered its wings to fly up.
Chapter DiYiSiSan Immortal Silver Ship II
At this time, the snow finch was very clever and obedient, and Sun Hao kept dancing and jumping in his palm, gradually dissolving with Sun Hao’s true will.
Sun Hao didn’t know if he hadn’t built a wooden snow finch, would he still be so clever?
With the deepening of Sun Hao’s refinement, the silvery white snow finch blooms with a faint golden awn, and when there is a handful of white hair left on the top of his head, Sun Haolang drinks "Ermaoling, you should be careful not to fight hard"
As soon as the voice fell, the bird was finally shocked and finished by Sun Haolian. The little bird flew up and gave a crisp bird whimper.
Suddenly, there was a slight shock and a ripple that was invisible to the naked eye and led away from the ground.
Four auspicious clouds in the sky suddenly trembled.
The four spirits were shaken out of the cloud, hovering and flying in the form of adults floating around Corleone.
The huge impact of the fate ship made them feel scared. Sun Hao told them that they would not go to strong action. The four spirits suppressed the confrontation and loosened the four spirits. They returned to Sun Hao to watch the birth of the fate ship.
The distant sky seemed to light up with a silver line and quickly ran to Corleone’s feet.
Look carefully, but the ground quickly cracked a huge deep crack, and the silver light came out of the crack, which looked like a silver line expanding rapidly.
In less than three or five breath, the earth has already taken on a silver glow.
The white brilliance shines on the earth as if there were a huge immortal silver city ruins in Yue Xian, which rumbled and vibrated in the white light. After a thousand years, it staggered and lay down again.
A series of broken fairy mountains fly up from Yincheng again, and a section of broken mountain peaks are being dragged and reassembled.
Immortal Silver City once again shines with glory.
Living in the ruins of Silver City, those wild animals don’t know what happened, and Yuan Ye kept roaring.
Pang Dayin City once again flew more than 30 feet from the ground.
At this moment, the reappearance in front of Sun Hao, a glittering silver city, is that there are fewer shuttle flying people, fewer noisy scenes and many wild animals fleeing hurriedly.
Floating Sun Haoshen’s huge Silver City doesn’t see that it is a lucky day ship at all, as if it were the rebirth of the former Silver City.
Sun Hao silently read a sentence "Ship" in his heart.
Fang immortal silver city came alive in the silver light, and the surrounding area began to fold and curl. In the roar, the mountains and the trees collapsed and a large number of wild animals were squeezed into the silver city.
In the middle of the fairy mountain, it crashed and inlaid, and in the middle, it became a ship tower. The silver light ran across the uneven ground like running water, and it gradually flattened the silver deck as if it were kept burning by fire.
The surrounding hull also flows with the general luster of silver light running through polishing.
For more than three hours, the ship’s body shook, and the final change was completed. The silvery white light gathered and suspended Sun Hao’s feet.
The immortal silver ship of the celestial ship is alive.
At this time, the immortal silver ship looks majestic and beautiful, which means that its hull is majestic and tall, like a shining white cloud and a huge silver plate, which makes people feel shocked at first glance.
Different from the shape of the flying rainbow ship in the clouds, the immortal silver ship is still floating like a huge disk after being folded.
In the center of the disk, there are circular towers standing around the tallest tower, which are lowered layer by layer to guard the center.
The whole disk is not three hundred miles in diameter and backed by ten feet. It looks like a silver dish from a distance, but it is magnificent and spectacular at close range.
If life flies, it is like living in a huge fairy mountain country.
To say that he is beautiful means that no matter where you look at the immortal silver ship, it is very symmetrical and streamlined, even the floating tower is all white and smooth.
Sun Hao’s face showed a slightly unexpected expression. Usually flying ships are hull shapes, but I didn’t expect this one to be a huge "flying saucer"
Several monks around Sun Hao got up and shouted, "Congratulations, your honor. Your silver ship was born in an imaginary enemy."
Sun Hao smiled and said, "No one dares to say that he can defeat you, and he must not be complacent."
With that, Sun Hao floated up to the center of the immortal silver ship and fell to the tower.
Sun Hao on the top of the ship tower has just gathered layers of silver light, and his body has quickly overlapped. In less than a moment, it has been covered with a layer of silver and silver armor, which is very comfortable for Sun Hao.
Don’t let go of the gods, the whole immortal silver ship situation has already appeared in Corleone’s mind.
The flying saucer is very clear
Sun Hao perceived that the immortal silver ship was still in a state of recovery, and all he could do was float quietly.
If you want to fly, you have to be driven by the monks.
The huge immortal silver ship can’t be driven by a few monks. I remember that the daily operation of the flying rainbow ship needs tens of thousands of monks to drive while practicing.
Want to own immortal silver ship demand even greater.
Moreover, Sun Hao can also perceive that the immortal silver ship is still in a state of serious loss, and it is the loss of will or the energy that is immortal after sleeping for too long.
That is to say, the immortal silver ship has made great progress at present.