After saying this sentence,

No, reed looked at himself.
Mark can feel the phoenix smell emitted by the piano body.
In order not to let Atlanta fall into the Dark Phoenix crisis.
Mark chose to sacrifice his ego and nodded …
Emperor’s card
Mark wants to turn over a new leaf.
A little while
Chin put her arms around Mark and whispered, "Where do you think Reed heard this rumor?"
Mark didn’t comment with a straight face.
These days
Make a rumor and clarify that you have broken your leg.
It is not possible to know when this rumor will be broadcast.
Especially in this Georgia
It seems that Professor Charles and Brother Create have almost disappeared outside since they got the inner world.
It makes sense to squat in the inner world and say it’s missing.
Xavier genius college has moved to the inner world for some time.
It’s not without reason if a mutant sees Xavier’s genius college wandering around and both are missing by mistake.
I wonder how Create and Professor Charles will feel when they hear that their own Georgia has been missing and killed?
That must be fun.
Mark corners of the mouth slightly arc in the heart is very beautiful.
Next to Qin, seeing Mark like this, she gave him a beautiful supercilious look and then said in a low voice, "Don’t forget that we have serious business."
"Of course," Mark raised his eyebrows and said, "I’m doing business."
"Drink two bottles of waves. Is that your business?"
"… some people wanted to give me a box of waves, but I didn’t promise to drink them. This is for Reed."
"… ha ha"
Mark’s mouth twitched.
Intentionally let Qin Bai know what is the real him.