The other party is a Hollywood actress.

The top one
He is three years older than Bimark.
However, in the half-year secret love affair, the two people could not adjust to a final peaceful breakup ending and told them.
Even Mark has fallen into a giant pit. How can a little spider who just graduated from high school not fall?
The most important point.
Spider-Man’s career is still a love of hair
Women can tolerate some unique hobbies of men, but when this hobby conflicts with them?
Hmm. How interesting
Lailisi listened to Mark’s fierce analysis and some leng leng.
quite a while
Lailisi blinked after coming to her senses and said, "What is this that you didn’t see through love rat’s handwriting in 360 degrees?"
Mark smiled. "This other one is for your younger brother who may come out in the future."
"… what?"
"… let you break a woman’s heart in 365 ways"
Mark looked at become speechless lelis and smiled happily.
These two cheats are what he learned all his life.
On value
If those I-code farmers on Wall Street knew there was such a secret, they would buy one even if they spent a year’s salary and bonus.
It’s no secret
Leslie’s look at Mark gradually became strange.
Mark took a sip of the wave and raised his eyebrows. "Okay, so can you tell me if you have a boyfriend?"
Lailisi let go and looked at Mark with long eyelashes. "Do you think I will find a boyfriend after reading your secret book?"
Mark was puzzled.
After thinking about it, I think so.
Mark, who gave the secret book to Leslie, tampered with it
Even if a peerless man appeared in front of Leslie.
The main points of Lailisi’s urban transportation can easily find out five obvious characteristics that meet the minimum requirements of love rat …
"… really not?"
"… no"
"Then you don’t mind if I check."