When the motor rang, the assault boat rushed out like a left arrow and set off a long spray.

When the disaster came, there was an earthquake in Lhasa, and at the same time, the seawater poured in flooded Lhasa, leaving the Potala Palace, which was built because of its high terrain and was particularly strong, but it was preserved in the earthquake and tsunami, but the main building on the top of the mountain was flooded.
Lhasa guards the blue cave, and typhoons and heavy rains often cause landslides. Therefore, a small number of people live on the island. When the weather is fine, they drive boats to catch small fish and shrimp or pick seaweed along the coast. When the storm comes, they go home to rest. Many people are like fishermen. They hunt in the water. They come to sea skins to create big ships, and then they connect the big ships to create water fortresses. When the typhoon comes, they hide in the safe haven bay. After the typhoon, the water moves to the blue cave to hunt.
Lhasa Shuicheng is a water and soil conservation base built by government troops, not only regular combat troops, but also fishermen and ordinary people. Some of these fishermen live on the island as boatmen, while others live in mobile fortresses.
There are garrison ships, training camps and command ships in the mobile fort, and there are many fishing boats around.
When Mo Qingqing arrived in Lhasa Shuicheng with the squadron of Gaba Island, he saw tens of thousands of boats gathered together, and people were in full swing. These boats were made of wood, steel and more were kayaks and rafts made of sea skins and fish skins.
All kinds of boats are flying with different flags, big and small, and the boats are shuttling back and forth, and the chaotic crowd is killing, throwing harnesses and arresting people, and many people are moving goods and robbing ships.
Mo Qingqing saw a large kayak made of giant sea animal skins, which was built with extraordinary style. A group of people in luxurious clothes were on the deck with binoculars and looked at everything in front of them with a smile, as if they were enjoying a bumper harvest.
Mo Qingqing thought, "Laugh at you MB!" A water-diving rattan released a giant air cushion made of hides at the bottom, which leaked in the middle of the hide boat. Before it floated out, it was held back by the rattan. Mo Qingqing’s weight made the boat, which was more than 50 meters long, roll out a big circle of huge waves on the water and sink.
The boatmen joined forces to attack the Lhasa government forces, thinking that even if they couldn’t get there, they could bite off a few pieces of their meat severely, and the current situation was just joyful, and suddenly their feet entered the water as soon as they followed.
Their reaction was not unpleasant. Almost immediately, they recognized that they were attacked by giant sea animals, and they urged them to hold their breath and pull out their weapons. They swam to the surface as quickly as possible. However, before swimming for a few minutes, they were suddenly caught by vines, and they struggled to break free. No, they cut their weapons at the vines like cutting them in metal. Someone cut them out of the crossing with manual power, and immediately they gushed out dark green juice. Those juices stained with people and corroded people into broken pieces and sank to the bottom of the sea. When people saw it, they dared not cut them again, but they struggled hard and tied the vines more tightly
Mo Qingqing sank the ship and appeared on the water with a ghost vine. Her power fluctuated, her power light released dazzling red light and gray fog, and there was a great fear. The water city was playing very fiercely.
The strange and trembling feeling of that kind of disaster made them consciously look in the direction of danger. An unprecedented giant monster emerged on the water. The monster seemed to be composed of several vines. It was one floor above the water, and the bottom of the water did not know how deep it was. The flying vines seemed to prey on seaweed and intertwined with sea snakes. The leaves in the shape of ghost claws were more like deep-sea demons.
Great panic swept over, and many people flocked to those fast-moving flying boats, speedboats, assault boats and boats to flee in the opposite direction of the monster, and some family members were robbed and killed by knives to save their family and friends.
There are more than a dozen assault boats with small national flags to meet the ghost hand vines. Each speedboat has a pilot dragging a net behind the speedboat. It is a kind of water-absorbing sponge soaked with blood. A lot of blood oozes from the water-absorbing sponge and the sea surface is dyed red.
Mo Qingqing came out of the ghost vine and saw those assault boats circling around her. When they knew that they were using their own bait to catch her and try to escape for the big army.
She saw that they reacted so quickly that they obviously didn’t do it once or twice.
Guarding the blue hole has rich fishery resources, but it also takes great risks.
She sat in the ghost vine and looked up into the distance to see the ships that had gathered together quickly set sail and fled
The first to escape are the peripheral ships, ranging from 30 to 50 to 100. Some big ships are still dragging small boats behind them. Both big ships and small boats are full of supplies. Many big ships have cages filled with people.
Five fleets add up to four or five hundred ships.
Mo Qingqing kept a firm eye on the fleeing ships and remembered their flags and directions.
Those marauding ships have walked out of the sea, and that huge fleet is also sailing in the direction of Potala Palace, which is a shallow shoal. How giant sea animals used to run aground.
There were still some looters who didn’t come to escape. They were hacked by soldiers, sailors and fishermen. Many people were injured and fell in a pool of blood. But at this time, no one cared about the victims. Except for some people who were sent out to treat the wounded, more people came to the deck to load arrows into the heavy crossbows to prepare for fighting the behemoth.
A girl came out of the flying ash, her feet were floating on the sea, and there were a lot of red fog, bare head and lux metal vest and shorts at the bottom of her feet, which seemed rare and horrible in a place like this.
The soldiers of the two assault boats’ armed police squadron swallowed their saliva repeatedly when they saw this scene. They had long guessed that the ghost hand vine had something with this bald girl, but once again they were more aware of this scene, they still felt terrible and weak. Many people had an idea in their minds. Is this a person?
The speedboat also stopped around the ghost hand vine. The speedboat people looked at the bald girl walking on the sea in indecision. I really couldn’t understand where she came from and how she could walk on the sea.
Mo Qingqing came out of the ghost vine ashes and then sank into the sea to wash his ashes. Once again, he came out of the sea and released a large number of ghost vines to weave a chair. He sat in the ghost vine chair and floated on the sea, waiting for the wind to come over.
On the way, the wind suddenly met a fleet of about sixty-seven ships coming by, with a vast ocean flag embroidered on it, which was the flag that occupied Linzhi Zongbachilin.
Chapter 394
The wind said that it was a coincidence that she had just taken a fleet from Zongba Chilin, and this met another fleet that was immediately ordered to take the front fleet directly.
The commander of the aircraft carrier formation was dumbfounded when he heard the communication officer coming to fight. He found the wind in a hurry and asked, "Direct war?" Don’t you negotiate and negotiate first?
The wind suddenly asked, "What’s the problem?"
The commander said, "I think we should negotiate first. If we can’t reach an agreement, we will seek to solve the problem by force."
Feng Xieran said, "We can’t reach an agreement with them." She explained, "Their top leader was called the toast. The top leader of the fleet we captured before was called the chieftain. The titles chieftain and chieftain have been abolished in China for nearly a hundred years. They implemented the serf system. The chieftain is the slave owner, and the chieftain is equivalent to the housekeeper and the slave is equivalent to the cattle and sheep." The commander asked Feng Xieran, "What kind of system do you want?" □□ system?
The wind suddenly said, "In an orderly civilized society, people can live a good life through hard work. I negotiate with civilians or slaves, not slave owners, and I will talk to them." The commander saluted and immediately called the officers to arrange the battle. The reason for the direct battle was not only because they had already fought with each other’s fleet before, but also because she had the strength to win, and naturally she didn’t want to stop halfway to give each other a break and ran to break with them. It’s not like she’s out of her mind. Liu Che came out of the cabin and glanced at it. The wind tilted and looked across the fleet deck. There were a lot of half-man high cages on the opposite fleet deck. Each cage was full of people’s decks. The cages were full of blood. Those who were arrested were also frightened. The outsiders were young and middle-aged with weapons. Many people were fierce and there was blood. They looked at their direction at the bow.
The largest ship has a 30-year-old man wearing a Tibetan robe made of animal skins and polished animal bones into jewelry. He is looking at them with a telescope in his hand. Her sight is rapidly sweeping across the fleet of 67 ships. Each ship is full of people, and the deck is full of people. From the visual observation, there are only 20,000 to 30,000 people, even if those fighters who are opposite in cages are not counted, there are more than 10,000 people. If there are 100 of them, it is enough to put out each other, but they don’t want to slaughter. It is impossible to kill such a big killer by sending the wind, so we can rely on the carrier formation fighters to board the ship and fight for more than 10 thousand people. Now most of the crew members are B-level powers and many A-level powers
The battle order reached several parts of the aircraft carrier formation, and even the medical officer followed the team. After taking over the aircraft carrier formation, a small-scale adjustment was made. Even the mecha had to pick out two members of each team. The medical officer was borne by the original doctor and nurse of the aircraft carrier formation, and they were also part-time assistants of Liu Che. Liu Che’s men had to be responsible for training the medical soldiers. That is to say, they had been able to do the experiment and found the experimental target. That is to do it themselves and get it back. She has the best resources. It’s really unreasonable to have weak slag in the aircraft carrier formation. These soldiers have been trained as animals all day since they followed the wind. Animals and sea monsters are unarmed. Nowadays, these abilities are generally under pressure from C-class people. Out of caution, they wear strong armor made of animal skins and protective gear, and then pick up weapons made of animal horns, teeth or bones. They leap into the sea one by one and approach the opposite fleet like swimming fish.
Let the opposite fleet approach their own fleet, which is impossible to be hacked to death by their four leaders. According to Wu Nan, the fleet is a big camp. Obviously, it is still too weak for you to let the enemy attack the big camp, and the training is not enough. According to Liu Che, things in her laboratory are broken casually, and a few bottles are worth more than them. What does she want them to do to keep the wave resources? It’s terrible that Dr. Liu deducted food and resources when floating in the deep sea. Boss Feng won’t say much, but he will simply tell Wu Nan to train them in the devil. Even if the training is disabled, Dr. Liu won’t treat them.
Mo Qingqing, the god of war, won’t say anything. In a white eye, they might as well be trained to death. Hundreds of aircraft carrier formation fighters are short of giant animals in Tibet except that the ship jumps into the water and swims to the opposite fleet. Unlike the wind, they can’t even find a safe haven to fight typhoons and huge waves all day, and the conditions are limited. The ship is not built high. The fleet is three stories high from the ship’s side to the water. The ship’s side in Tibet is two or three meters high from the water. Aircraft carrier formation people often. They were thrown into the sea in the hurricane and rainstorm, and then swam back in the shocking waves and capsized. When they met this boat two or three meters high from the water, they jumped out of the water and jumped off the boat.
It is naturally impossible for a hundred people to attack a ship and be divided into dozens of ships. They implement decapitation and attack the biggest ship directly. That ship pounces on the ship with the most gorgeous clothes. In today’s world, people look at a person’s status differently. One is wearing power, the other is wearing good power, and the strength is low. It is said that there is a strong power behind him, so that he is the king. He is well dressed and the power is high. There is no doubt that it is the BOSS level.
The Zongbachilin ship is indeed the most tightly defended and expert in the whole fleet, but its experts are fragile in front of the battle team after crossing the sea and several exotic animals and tides. Besides, the ship is not an aircraft carrier and can’t bear too many people. There are more than 500 guards beside his ship, and several escort ships can be arched to the side, but these people coming out of the water can’t prevent and protect them. Before the escort owner of Zongbachilin’s ship comes to justice, he has been kicked to the ground with the people around him.
It is very rare for him to be able to pull up such a team with class B ability. It is also very brave and unusual, but the hero can’t hold the wolves. The C+guards around him have almost no defense and are directly knocked over. He encounters a huge gap in class A strength, and the result is that his leg is broken, others kick his leg, and then kick his chest, so that his ribs are broken. He vomits blood and slides from the deck to the edge of the deck, breaking the ship’s rail and falling into the sea, and then being dragged like a dead dog.
Broken ribs in the heart, if it weren’t for the power package, if it weren’t for his strength, if it were put aside before the disaster, he would have stopped his heart and said goodbye. Zong Bachilin was afraid of aggravating his heart injury and didn’t dare to breathe again. "Where are you from?" What do you want? I have a lot of money, many slaves, and you control the price. "He pointed to the surrounding fleet." I have so many fleets. If I die, I will take revenge on you, and you will not take good care of it. "
When the ships around the escort ship saw that the toast of Zongba was arrested, they did not dare to move. Several people who led the fleet responded quickly. Some of them leaned forward with the intention of preventing the opposite side from approaching the fleet and quickly surrounded the big ship where Zongba Chilin was located with the intention of blocking these foreign ghosts on the ship. They took the toast away. Liu Che had a good eye to see that the opposite main ship was taken, but the surrounding ships were still mobilizing the ship to counterattack the wind and said, "I’ll go and see" and spread their wings to urge the power to fly over. It was a burst of exclamation that she landed around the main ship in Tibet, a place where the outside world blocked
With a pair of bird wings, Liu Che, who can fly and return to perfect blue, directly caused a great sensation. Liu Che fell in front of Zongbachilin and asked, "Are you Zongbachilin?" When Zong Bachilin saw that this beautiful woman was exposed to all kinds of troubles, she knew that she had met with a strong stubble, and she was very respectful to say "Yes" and called Liu Che "Respect the Goddess". Liu Che swept to the boatmen’s cages next to her and asked, "Are all the slaves you caught in the cages?"
Zongbachilin said, "I would like to dedicate all these slaves to respect the goddess. There are a lot of them in my manor …" In the middle of his words, he suddenly heard a "zither" metal friction, followed by a very dizzy spin, and then "plop" his head flew into the sea, and Liu Che cut off Zongbachilin’s head with one sword, and then crossed Zongbachilin’s chest with another sword. A generation of toast suddenly flew in half, and was plunged into his ribs and his heart was cut open. Flying to the cold air, the stereo plays the role of "falling or dying". The external power makes her feel like a blue flame burning all over, and even her hair is turned into a deep blue by the power. The external power of her power makes people around her clearly feel her powerful power.
If the big toast is still alive, they can still try their best to rescue the big toast. Now the big toast is dead, and there are several big heads who have no toast appeal. No one will show up again. It is estimated that this woman cut her sword into two parts. The first person to lay down her arms and bow down to bow down to the goddess is called Liu Che. After the head knelt down, the rest of them also laid down their arms and knelt down. The aircraft carrier formation people looked around each other incredibly smoothly.
Suddenly, a series of dense gunshots flew to Liu Che, and Liu Che’s fighting reaction was that some animals were trained to fight with animals. Some animals were faster than bullets. Then there was Lin Run and Lin Qianqian, who reacted a little slowly with teleportation skills. Don’t say that life was not even left. When she heard the gun, she realized that the strong wind was coming, and her wings protected her. She had drawn her sword and drawn it. A blue virtual shadow crossed the deck to the door of the cabin, and the man with the gun was cut in half, and the body was divided into two and fell to the ground.
Liu Che looked around and didn’t see anyone else’s intention to attack her. Only when she looked at the ground, she was cut in half. I couldn’t help but look at it. It was a child. She was attacked and the counterattack speed was also fast. At this time, there was an enemy in her eyes. Naturally, it was a sword that killed her, but I didn’t expect to kill her. It turned out to be an eleven-or twelve-year-old child. When the aircraft carrier formation heard the gun, they immediately locked the source. They didn’t respond. When their eyes fell to the source of the gun, the Children can’t treat a child even if they are well dressed and have power, but I didn’t expect this child to find a gun and attack Liu Che. If she wasn’t strong enough, the other party played an ordinary bomb. If she was screened by a child, it would be a real death.
Liu Che paused and smiled coldly. There was no pressure to kill a child who wanted to kill her. It would be a big joke if she died at the hands of a child. "He was still a child" is really not a good word. If you get into trouble and kill someone, you just want to erase it and let others eat it. What are you thinking? She’s not the virgin Liu Che told the fighters of the aircraft carrier formation beside her that "a child may have a gun in his hand and can put down a piece of human poison, and it’s more likely to have the strength to destroy your team by one person." The higher the power, the slower the cub grows. If you encounter that kind of talent, both parents are power, and the power is particularly strong from birth. Ordinary people are old. If you see a child, you can just ignore it. It’s not to take your life seriously. Two cub cubs are still half a year old, and they are still raised by Aunt Qing.
Liu Che didn’t take the sneak attack to heart. They drifted away all the year round, and all kinds of animals and plants emerged one after another, which was much more dangerous than people. This was really nothing. These trivial chores were handled with the wind. She stopped the scene and tried to avoid casualties, so she was finished. She was about to lift her legs and leave when she heard someone sob, "How can even such a child get her hands?" How can it be so cruel and inhuman? " It’s not loud, but it’s just enough for everyone to hear and hear clearly. Liu Che stepped out and took her feet back. She smiled and said, "Child, right?" She whistled and called the bird hovering in the center. She pointed to the bird and said to the man, "This is a child, too. What will you do if it tries to kill you now?" Who hasn’t had a bear child yet! All birds looked at Liu Che with a clueless look. "What?" I don’t know what happened.
Liu Che pointed to the child’s body and told the bird about what happened. "This person probably thinks that the child murderer can’t fight back, young master. Are you underage?" All birds nodded "tweet" seriously and cocked their heads to look at the man lying on the ground. Naturally, Bai Liuche said, "How can this be the same? That’s a person. This is a bird." Liu Che laughed and said, "You are not even as good as the young master to give you the bird." She said that she was too lazy to take care of them and spread her wings to fly back to her boat. All birds cocked their heads and looked at the man again and again. They stretched out their paws and fell in front of it. The power covered their fingertips and wrote the word "idiot" on the steel deck. However, writing or cursing shocked everyone. People in the aircraft carrier formation knew that the bird had a high IQ and often communicated with three green-scale beasts in their own languages across races, but they didn’t expect the bird to write!