It is not ideals, responsibilities and sense of accomplishment that dominate them, but whips and pains.

It is they who desperately want to escape from the supervisors and guards with whips.
"Are you okay? Can you hold on?"
"I can insist … psst … let’s go! These bastards fight for their lives! "
The two men stumbled into the corner and then collapsed to the ground panting.
The gravity here is much heavier than that of the earth, and the burden of getting along with each other is several times. It is usually difficult to walk. For such a long time, their bodies and bones have been crushed and deformed in many places.
You can lie down here and never sit. You can sit and never sit.
Dim light Two people look at each other.
After a while, the 60-year-old man looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. "Have we met somewhere?"
"We are all workmates in recent days."
"No, I mean on earth," the old man said.
"Earth …?" Middle-aged people seem to have searched out the word from their minds for a long time.
How long has it been from the earth?
In the factory, the light is dim, there is no sunrise or sunset, there is no change of seasons, there is a cold floor, and the gloomy light is colder than the supervisor.
He almost forgot what the earth was like.
"The earth … I seem to have made some achievements on the earth …" Middle-aged humanitarian "My name is brolin"
"Sure enough, Mr. Brolin, we have indeed met."
"And you are?"
"My name is Zhou Zaicheng, and we met at a meeting."
"Zhou …" brolin looked at the old man years ago and thought for a long time, but his brain was already sluggish and his back pain made it difficult for him to concentrate.
"Zhou Xiangan"
Brolin still shook his head.
"Forget it. I don’t want to if I can’t remember it." Glory smiled. "Let’s go. I’ll help you back."
Workers have to travel so far every day, especially in this gravity environment.
I don’t know how many times they have walked this road, but this time they are still exhausted.
Finally returned to the residence.
If you keep rumbling here, you will find that the places where these people live are as dense as those in volcanic factories, as cold as honeycomb rooms, with no temperature and no privacy.
Everyone habitually calls such a room "Ge" because nothing else can be shaped.
More than a dozen slaves huddled in the same cell, which was muddy and messy.