Being held by Erfeng, I took a few steps in the direction of my courtyard. Gu Mian turned back and cast a vicious glance in the direction of the main courtyard and added, "I will always let Gu Liancheng’s brother and sister know that I am not easy to handle."

"Miss, you’re right. Now this Houfu is the master of the family, and it’s behind their suffering day!" Er Feng doesn’t talk much, but her heart is winding, but she has served her Gu Mian, and she hasn’t given any advice to bully Gu Hui and two other concubines in the house.
The main courtyard is indeed cleaned inside and outside as Gu Geng said, even the flowers and trees in the courtyard are trimmed regularly.
"Eldest brother, this is easy powder that I figured out when I was in the Fallen Valley. When you take a bath, you will drop some water into it, and then mix well and put it on your face. The original appearance will be covered up." Gu Qi took the chair and handed me the powder from Liancheng. "I know some easy techniques, but I am very shallow. If I meet an acquaintance, I can tell which one I am with a little attention."
Silent for a long time, his lips pulled up with a wry smile and connected, "I didn’t expect you to be considerate of everything. Second sister has suffered for you for more than three years. Don’t worry, eldest brother will try to make himself better. You Ning Er Juner will hold up our Hou Fu again to be your most solid reliance on Chapter 4 Pepper."
"I believe eldest brother Ning Er and Jun ‘er also believe eldest brother. We believe that you will get better soon and will prop up our Houfu to make it regain its prestige in Beijing."
Liancheng face smile bloomed to Gu Qi eyes nodded seriously.
"Eldest brother knows that you have suffered a lot today, but don’t take it to heart." I think of Gu Mian’s speech in front of Liancheng today, and Gu Qi’s eyes are full of cherish. "Yang turned out to be a dowry girl around her second aunt, and she was highly valued by her second aunt before her death, and she also had last words. She was afraid that the newly married lady would be bad for Gu Hui. Yang was born with a long uncle, and his second uncle didn’t want his second aunt to die unsatisfied, so his father said this and then carried Yang to do the first thing."
"But she was born there and how can she raise a daughter who is sensible, elegant and dignified? Don’t be angry with Ning Er and let’s just look at the second uncle’s face and don’t care about Yang’s mother and daughter."
Said Gu Qi looked Gu Ning and laughed. "Eldest brother doesn’t know that Ning Er is still a hot pepper, so it’s good to get married and be bullied in the future."
Gu Ning face a red holding Gu Jun to Liancheng side grabbed the sleeves and pouted. "Second sister, what are you talking about? I don’t want to get married. Besides, if I want to get married, my second sister will get married first! "
"It’s not wrong for a girl to marry a big brother when she grows up," Liancheng laughed and teased her easily. "I don’t know which unlucky guy will marry my little pepper!"
"Second sister, I’m not a pepper. I’m just angry that Gu Mian speaks badly!" Stamp stamp Gu Ning summon up gills to help a face of aggrieved.
Liancheng Gu Qi glanced at each other and both of them smiled warmly. Liancheng said, "Come on, second sister, I’m teasing you!" Then her eyes sneered and Gu Ningdao said, "Gu Mian is a brainless person who wants to write everything, but he still doesn’t know the so-called" when he is high-handed and can’t see others looking at her, it’s like acting. You don’t have to care about her words and deeds in the future. "
"But she speaks so badly that I can’t stand it."
Gu Ning small muttered
"I still say, if you can bear it, you can bear it. Sometimes there is a second sister. Don’t have a head-on conflict with her. We need to stay quietly in this house and cure our eldest brother’s leg disease as soon as possible, okay?" Liancheng eyes light solemnly spoken English, especially seriously. Gu Ning looked at her for a long time and nodded, "Second sister, I remember everything you said!"
"Well, that’s good" smiled safely. Liancheng took Gu Jun from her hand and sat in the chair next to Gu Qi. "Eldest brother Jun ‘er was so frightened that night three years ago that he would become like this, but don’t worry that he is getting better."
Gu Qi’s eyes were sad and murmured, "Don’t say that he was frightened three years ago, even if you and Ning Er were scared, I will definitely get this blood debt back."
Night fell slowly, but I didn’t see Yang arrange someone to come over, which was not interesting at all.
She knew that Yang was thinking about something, and she wanted to find the right person to put in the main hospital to be her eyes.
If you want to calculate her, you have to have that. Chapter 41 Eradicate the root cause is not just talk.
In the purlin, Yang looked at her with a chill in her eyes from time to time, and Gu Yan’s face didn’t have any superfluous expression. She knew what he was thinking.
They don’t want titles.
The title is only the whole today. Such as calculating, she tries to figure out, she tries to figure out Gu Qi.
Come on, plot, plot, do it, and she’s next.
The night is faint and the window looks deep and cold. "People don’t commit crimes against me, I don’t commit crimes; If people make me comity three points; I’ll get a shot if people make me again; People still commit me to exterminate the grass! " The light sound overflowed from her lips every word, but it was colder than the glacier in the cold winter.
This sentence is a smile for Liancheng in previous lives.
Because it seems to her that if someone commits a crime, I will definitely fight back and fight back hard. How can I say three points of comity in front of me?
But this is not a past life, and she is not her parents, brothers and sisters in a past life. She has a family that needs her to protect her family. If they don’t touch her lamella, she is bound to endure it.
Otherwise, the word "extermination" is not just talk.
Liancheng didn’t know that every word that overflowed her lips was heard by a black dress person hiding in the dark.
Moonlight, like silver, pours out buds, and soon the branches pass through the thin window screen and shine into the comfortable couch in front of the window.
Huangfuyi, dressed in a white silk robe, sat cross-legged in front of a few slender fingers and stared into the chessboard with white eyes.
A dark head with a little moisture, like a waterfall of black hair, naturally hangs freely behind his head. It seems that he has just taken a bath for a long time
Focusing on him at this time is really like being in the world, giving people a sense of elegance and detachment from the secular.
"Look at the eyes from the culvert and then look away HuangFuYi body way" report can have anything to command from the culvert? "Not only is he from culvert is known that their main idea is not a chessboard at the moment.
It’s natural for Huangfuyi to cultivate a shadow guard from the culvert.
"Are you sure Gu Liancheng is the second young lady of Ningyuan Houfu?" Throw chess board HuangFuYi looked up at the culvert finally speak asked 1.
It’s a big life. I didn’t die. I didn’t say that I saved my sister and younger brother three years ago, but I was also lucky to be killed.
Stupid mute?
He can’t compare it with deceiving the world.
Thoughts flip HuangFuYi recall what happened in today’s street corners of the mouth can’t help but slightly evoked.
Should he have fun with such an interesting girl?
"Back to the report, I saw Miss Liancheng enter the gate of Hou Fu with my own eyes." I handed over the culvert and truthfully reported, "I confirmed that I mistakenly sneaked into Hou Fu and knew her whereabouts for nearly an hour."
"Oh?" Huangfuyi raised her eyebrows and said, "Then nothing happened to her?"
I can’t see the beautiful women in the backyard of our palace like clouds. How can you take a look at Miss Gu Er? Chapter 4 Does he want to go back to the grass?
Li Han’s eyes drooped and he lamented his master, but Huangfuyi asked him what he wanted to know and made a report.
To tell the truth, it’s not true that Liancheng looks bad from Han’s eyes, but it’s true that Liancheng looks like it. It’s true that throwing her into a pile can tell at a glance.