The fourth chapter 157-couplets

"The fourth guardian of Zhu Liu, Dali, the champion of Chinese literature, worships the great prime minister, and the martial arts and ingenuity are far better than those of fishing, firewood and ploughing. The sword technique is fierce and claimed to be the best in the world!" Ling Fei looked up at the narrow Liang Shi in front of the mountain road, which was shrouded in clouds, and couldn’t help but stop.
"I didn’t learn Chinese well when I was in middle school. How should I deal with couplets if Zhu Liu wants me to guess riddles?" Ling Feiyang thought to himself
"Brother Feiyang, where is this?" Huang Rongyin suddenly came from behind.
Rong Er, are you awake? Ling Feiyang looked back and saw Huang Rong absently looking at the surrounding scenery with his eyes half open curiously.
Ling Feiyang was overjoyed and quickly said, "We have passed three years, so you can deal with this last one!"
"I’m dying. You still want me to cheat?" Huang Rong and Ling Feiyang have learned these modern languages for a long time.
At this time, three people have come to Liang Shi to see that Liang Shi is only a foot wide, and both sides can’t see the abyss. Ling Feiyang and Ying Guyue Liang Shi, although they have achieved outstanding flying skills, are still walking out of the seven feet in Liang Shi with trepidation. Seeing that there is a seven-foot gap in front, they made a leap in flying skills.
"This is simply the reality of super Mary …" Ling Feiyang passed through seven gaps and finally saw a large piece of flat land opposite at the end of Liang Shi, but a student was sitting cross-legged with a roll in his left hand.
"The bottom boss finally appeared … can’t you read somewhere else and have to stand in here!" Ling Feiyang suddenly felt an impulse to kick Zhu Liu from Liang Shi.
"In the late spring, there are five or six children, six or seven children …" Zhu Liu bobbed to read and suddenly looked up and saw Ying Gu get up quickly and was preparing to bow to Ying Gu, but her feet slipped and hurriedly used one thousand pounds to stand firm in Liang Shi.
"I haven’t seen Premier Zhu for many years, but I’m still studying hard. Is it because I have to sit in this small Liang Shi that I’m not afraid of falling into this abyss?" There was a slight irony in Ying Gu’s words.
"He’s sitting here to get in the way …" Huang Rong asked Zhu Liu with a smile. "Do you know how many of Kong Fu’s seventy-two brothers are old and young?"
Zhu Liu startled way "Confucius seems to have never said this …"
"Five, six, three, six, seven, and forty-two add up to seventy-two Confucius said that you learned without thinking about it. It’s a waste of reading this sage!" Huang Rong Road
Fortunately, Zhu Liu wasn’t eating, otherwise she must have gushed out and couldn’t help laughing, but then she saw Liu Guifei in front of her and forced her smile back.
"Prime Minister Zhu, if you don’t let Don’t blame the Palace for beating you off the cliff!" Ying gu threatened.
"Empress, calm down …" Zhu Liudao "I’m responsible for not letting these two people pass, but now that you’ve passed the top three, I’ll symbolically write three couplets. If these two people come out, I’ll let them go immediately!"
"If you go through the ages, won’t we lose?" Huang Rong immediately said, "How about this? I’ll also give you three couplets. Whoever answers more correctly will win!"
"Good deal!" Zhu Liu prides herself on her outstanding literary talent, but she doesn’t believe that this little girl can compete with herself, so she immediately promised to come.
"Cangshan is full of snow and red berries," said Zhu Liu.
Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake are the most famous scenic spots in Dali, Yunnan Province. Hongmei and green tea are also local symbols. Huang Rong has long heard from his father that these places are right at once.
"Peach Blossom Shadow Flying Excalibur" Huang Rong told the couplet of Peach Blossom Island’s Jicui Pavilion, thinking to himself, "This couplet implies that the couplet of Peach Blossom Island’s martial arts falling into the sky and the sword palm should be’ blue sea and the tide press the jade flute’, but it should be difficult to come up with the couplet if you have never been to Peach Blossom Island!"
"willow leaves press the nod" Zhu Liu thought for a moment and then said
"This student is really a master of couplets. Although he didn’t know the original couplet, he came up with this couplet, but it is also very appropriate." Peach Blossom "versus" Willow Leaf "versus" Shadow Falling "versus" Excalibur "versus" Baodao "is not only a neat antithesis, but also implies the martial arts of" The Lancet Method "! Huang Rong cried the admiration for Zhu Liu.
"I’m infatuated with elegance, have this infatuation, secular and graceful butterfly dream. Is this couplet a form of Duan Yu, Emperor Xianzong of Dali? I wonder if the girl can tell?" Zhu Liu immediately wrote a second couplet.
"The Dali emperor was infatuated with a woman named Wang Yuyan when he was young. It was a coincidence that he learned the amazing martial arts, the six-pulse Excalibur and Lingbo’s micro-step, and won a chivalrous name in the rivers and lakes." This story was also told to Huang Rong before Huang Yaoshi. Huang Rong thought about it a little and said, "Elegant and psychic, often firm but gentle, wandering around Ling Bo."
Huang Rong’s couplet summed up Duan Yu’s character and martial arts. When Zhu Liu heard this couplet, he also praised Huang Rong and shouted, "Wonderful!"
"Since you have come to Duan Yu, you can’t help but have his eldest brother Qiao Feng. I also have a poem here about Qiao Fenglian’s talent and bravery. It’s really heroic and chivalrous." Huang Rongshen, the leader of the Beggars’ Sect, immediately thought of this leader years ago in the Northern Song Dynasty and also made a couplet.
"Qiao Feng Qiao Daxia is the most respected person in my life, and I must be more perfect …" Zhu Liu thought for a long time before saying, "A strong man will eventually win a mountain and river."
"Well, Master Joe will be smiling if he hears this couplet!" Huang Rong praised.
Ling Feiyang was thinking in his heart, "Zhu Liu is somebody else’s Dali Prime Minister Shi Miyuan is our Song Prime Minister. Compare the two of them and you will know that we are not as good as others …"
"It’s my turn to write the third couplet, girl." Zhu Liu said, "A brush with two sleeves and three feet of breeze, Liang Shi’s four seasons of rain and sunshine, and Jiu Si’s ten thoughts."
This couplet contains ten numbers, one to ten, which depicts Zhu Liu sitting in Liang Shi and studying poetry hard. Although it is not an eternal absolute, it is also Zhu Liu who has been thinking hard for ten years, and even he himself has never been linked.
Although Huang Rong was extremely clever, he was stumped and fell into a long meditation on Ling Feiyang’s back.
After a full half an hour, I saw that the sun was already west of Huang Rong, but I still couldn’t figure out a way to see Zhu Liu’s triumphant appearance. Ying Gu suddenly walked over to Ling Feiyang and said in a low voice, "You let me carry Rong Er and then use that trick" Flying Dragon in the Sky "to beat him to Liang Shi!"
"This is not good. We are here to seek medical treatment, not to attack the mountain …" Ling Feiyang said with a frown.
"That how to do? Rong Er’s injury can no longer be delayed! " Yinggu avenue
"I have confidence in her!" Ling Feiyang turned to Huang Rong and found that Huang Rongzheng seemed to be asleep with his eyes closed.
"Holy cow, we are all here waiting for you to go to bed …" Ling Feiyang was about to wake her up when Huang Rong suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, "I’m right!"
"Oh?" Opposite Zhu Liu’s eyes showed an incredible look and said, "Go ahead, girl!"
"Ten volumes of poetry, nine chapters of arithmetic, seven latitudes of geography, six arts, five classics, four words and three words are two elegant hearts," Huang Rong said. "I just had a dream and thought of this couplet in my dream!"
"This connection is really called the ancients and latecomers!" Zhu Liu couldn’t help but roll his hand in Liang Shi with a heavy clap. Fortunately, he didn’t fall off the cliff because of his outstanding flying skills.
"It’s my turn to go out!" Huang Rong was about to continue to give a question, but Zhu Liu said, "Go over there. I give up!"
Chapter 15 Master Yi Deng
Huang Rong’s couplet also makes the ten numbers from one to ten, which are reversed in numerical order. Not only is the artistic conception ingenious, but also Zhu Liu is really complimented, and Zhu Liu is elated and simply released directly.
As soon as Zhu Liugang left, Liang Shi Ling Feiyang immediately jumped over with Huang Rongyue and Ying Gu immediately jumped over.
See Zhu Liu and Huang Rong, two people, some appreciate each other Ling Feiyang suddenly turned around and said, "We still owe you a couplet just now, and I’ll come up with a couplet to shoot white deer in the snow."
"Your couplet is too poor and wrong!" Zhuliudao
"It’s really no standard. It’s just not interesting at all!" Huang Rong actually echoed Zhu Liu’s words and didn’t give him a face at all.
"This is a pair of epic absolute couplet is a smile god man leaning on Brigitte spend their honeymoons./"Ling Feiyang saw that both of them didn’t want to speak for themselves.
"What kind of connection is this?" Huang Rong laughed contemptuously.
"Ha ha ha ha!" Zhu Liu also laughed.
"This is Mr. Jin Yong’s couplet, and you don’t even know …" Ling Feiyang sighed naively.
"Who is Jin Yong?" Huang Rong and Zhu Liu asked at the same time.
"Tibetan couplet white? Fourteen novels, you know? Forget it, forgive you for being uneducated … "Ling Feiyang said while carrying Huang Rong and continued to advance.
"I didn’t expect this fourth to be so simple …" Ling Feiyang said as he walked.
"That time you try to talk about it and see if he won’t let you go …" Huang Rong felt that he could hardly communicate with him.
"If it weren’t for Jin Yong, you wouldn’t be so clever …" Ling Feiyang was still angry but didn’t know that these couplets were not actually made up by Jin Yong.
The three of them walked on, and the road was very flat. A small temple appeared in front of a lotus pond.
"I don’t want to see that person, so I won’t go in." When I walked to the door of the temple, Ying Gu suddenly stopped.
"In fact, my aunt has long known that you brought us here!" Ling float in the sky also seems to have expected immediately said
"oh? What do you know? " Ying Gu was startled when she heard this.
"You want Master Yi Deng to heal Rong Er and then break into the temple to kill the master when he is seriously injured!" Ling Feiyang said bluntly
Ling Feiyang hit the nail on the head. Ying Gu cried and stood there for a long time without words.
"In fact, the master won’t save your son because he cares about you!" Lingfeiyang avenue
"What do you mean?" Ying Gu’s eyes are full of surprise.
"The master has decided to sacrifice his skill to save your son, but he saw a child with a Chinese-style chest covering and a mandarin duck and a brocade handkerchief." Poor old man is white first. "You embroidered this word to grow old with the old urchin. The master must be so sad that he doesn’t even want to live!" Ling Feiyang said
Ying Gu immediately said to Ling Feiyang and then said, "Many people are stubborn because they refuse to empathize. Imagine that if you are a master Yi Deng and your wife gave birth to someone else’s child, will you sacrifice your skill to cure him? If you talk about this matter, you still don’t know who is bigger! "
Ying Gu was flushed by Ling Feiyang, and Huang Rong also took the opportunity to say, "The real murderer who killed your son is Qiu Qianren. If you really want to avenge your son, you should kill Qiu Qianren!"