Zuo Tangtang took the cup before he turned and walked into the kitchen, and continued to pull "Didn’t Orange say she was looking for a room? I was helping her pay attention."

"What? !” Zuo Mu was very surprised when she heard the news. "You said that girl Su Orange is going to live in A city?"
"Yeah, yeah," Zuo Tangtang continued. "She said she was looking for a job here. When she asked me out to play, she said that I was also helping her find it!"
"Oh, you dead girl!" Left mother slapped Zuo Tangtang on the head. "At least she’s your best friend and you don’t care about her."
Zuo Tangtang immediately indignation "mom! I just said I was helping her see the house! Where there is no heart for her! "
Zuo Mu continued to be full of anger and said, "Look, since Sue Orange is looking for a room here! There must be no place to live! Tell me where she lived before she found the house. Stay in a hotel? "
Zuo Tangtang hasn’t come to interrupt, and Zuo Mu continues to talk.
"At least you used to play with others in high school and bring them to our house for the night. Look, now others are not staying like they did when they were students. Why don’t you bring her to our house?"
"No, I heard …" Zuo Tangtang also wanted to say a few words.
The left mother was unusually rude and interrupted "Hurry up and finish breakfast, clean up the guest room and let that girl Su Orange come to our house."
"Mom!" Zuo Tangtang is going to explode. "Can you hear me out? Sue Sue seems to have a relative in A city. It is estimated that she has not stayed in a hotel now, but is staying with her relatives. "
Hearing this, Zuo Tangtang’s left mother rushed to ease up. "What seems? Go and ask Su Orange a message. "
Oh, why so many things?
Zuo Tangtang nai looked at his queen mother’s back and just talked nonsense for a reason. Why is it so troublesome?
Let’s call Sue Orange and talk about the next thing.
As soon as the words were connected, I heard the abnormal angry sound of Su Orange.
"Left pig! You should call me so early "ear is Sue orange very surprised sound.
"What’s the matter? Is there anything wrong? " Zuo Tangtang’s facial expression
"It’s either wrong or wrong!" Su orange at the other end of the sentence must have said, "How can you get up at this point when you sleep like a pig?"
Just ten minutes later, I was told for the second time that Zuo Tangtang, a pig, didn’t want to make a speech.
"Well, it’s my mother who heard that you are living alone in a foreign land. Let me ask if you want to stay in our house until you find it?"
"Haha, say thank you to my aunt for me." Su Orange is very happy to say, "But my aunt is here. I won’t come to your place because I live in their house recently."
"Oh, oh," said Zuo Tangtang and wanted to hang up.
"But left pig," Su Orange continued, "I wanted to call you again. I saw it so early and said I would contact you later."
"What?" Zuo Tangtang wondered and asked
"Oh, that’s what I said back! What have you considered? "
"Er … that S?" Zuo Tangtang thought that he was going to be a little vague yesterday and said, "Let’s talk about this."
"Say what! There are still two months! " Su orange is extremely dissatisfied.
"Isn’t there still two months? Don’t worry, don’t worry." Zuo Tangtang perfunctory.
"De" looks like Su Orange is very fond of Zuo Tangtang in such a state. "Let’s talk about this matter in a few days."
"What do you think about this matter after sex?"
"Well what! I said that my room is almost a bit eye-catching. Do you want to move in with me? "
Zuo Tangtang just wanted to refuse her, but suddenly she remembered that she had to find an excuse to leave home. Isn’t this a shield now?
[9] Chapter 90 Xiaoqi is going to start]
But even if I promised her, I would definitely not agree with my old lady’s temper! After all, it’s not like children from other places live at home. Why should they move out?
I guess i can’t handle it myself, but …
Zuo Tangtang smiled insidiously at the words in his hand.
"Oh orange! I also want to move in together. "Zuo Tangtang pretended to be naive and sighed." But … "
"But what?" Sue orange quickly asked questions.
"But you know my old lady’s temper, right?" Zuo Tangtang played the card of bitterness. "She has always regarded me strictly since I was a child, and now it is the same when I grow up."
"I can’t go out after 1 pm, and she’s afraid I’ll go to any bars and places. She definitely doesn’t approve of my moving out of my residence, so I’m sorry."
Sue orange a listen to this matter to Zuo Tangtang willing to go. Hurriedly patting his chest to Zuo Tangtang said, "Zuo Zhu has nothing to do, you live with me! Aunt, I’ll tell you! "
"But is it ok?" Zuo Tangtang said with suspicion
Sue orange immediately dissatisfied with the "left pig, are you questioning my ability? You know, I’m quite good at persuading people to drink at the next class meeting! How many people have been defeated by me! "
Zuo Tangtang’s black line is feeding. Can this persuasion be the same as this one?
Like knowing what Zuo Tangtang was thinking, Su Orange said proudly, "Hum, you’ll wait and see!"
"When will it be?" Zuo Tangtang is a little anxious. Don’t tell her what it will take for more than half a year or three months.
"Oh, the left pig is not in a hurry." Sure enough, Su Orange didn’t feel urgent and didn’t care about Zuo Tangtang. "Now the room hasn’t been decided, even if it is settled, it will take a while to clean up."
"What!" Zuo Tangtang is somewhat reluctant to "come to our house for dinner in a few days, and you should persuade our old lady at that time!" "
"That’s fine." Su Orange is more like "Call me then and I’ll come."
"Uh-huh" Zuo Tangtang promised.
"Yes ~ Let aunt cook my favorite sweet and sour pork ribs, pickled fish, bear’s paw and tofu, boiled meat slices …"
"peat!" Zuo Tangtang is black-faced. "Who will eat boiled pork slices in such a hot day?"
"This thing is to eat in hot weather! And … "Sue orange and talk about her food there.
"Well, that’s it." If Zuo Tangtang’s expression is pressed off, will it be okay if she keeps talking about it? I don’t know why I have such a good appetite early in the morning.
"How is it?" The left mother asked in the kitchen.
"Mm-hmm" Zuo Tangtang replied and went to the kitchen. She leaned against the door and said to her left mother, whose back looked extremely busy. "Su Orange has relatives here. Her aunt recently stayed at her aunt’s house!"
"so!" Left mother took out a plate from the cupboard and continued, "Look at other people who have been used to living in other places since childhood. You have to learn from this."
"Uh-huh" Zuo Tangtang is very sincere to promise, after all, this kind of education moment still don’t disturb your old lady’s mood.
"And when will Su Orange come to our house to play? Didn’t you often play together when you were young?"
"Oh, oh, yes," Zuo Tangtang replied with a pretense of remembering, "I just asked Su Orange to come to our house for dinner in a few days."
"You see, you’re right." Left mother turned to Zuo Tangtang and said, "Friends still have to connect with each other. That girl Su Orange is coming, right?"
"Yes, she also said that you should cook for her!"
"Well, well, then call her early!"