Teacher Extinction sneered, "You’ll die if you come."

The extinction guru was silent for a while and said to Zhou Zhiruo, "Zhi, if this time we are even doomed to the secret of Emei Sect, it is time to tell you that Eternal Sword and Tu Longdao are both weapons of Emei Sect. The sword contains the art of war" Wu Mu Legacy "and the magical secret book" Nine Yin Zhen Jing "and" Ten Palm of Dragon Flying ".If there is a miracle, you must find Tu Longdao and Eternal Sword and take out the martial arts secret book inside to make Emei Sect shine."
Zhou Zhiruo didn’t get excited after hearing this, but said calmly, "Master hasn’t arrived at the last moment, eldest brother, and he may not lose. Besides, Everbright Emei Sect can’t do it by one or two magical techniques. My Emei Sect’s martial arts are already profound enough to support a sect."
Zhou Zhiruo followed Yan Chen to read a lot of tricks that are reasonable and magical. It is important, but more important is people.
There is no adventure for Zhang Zhenren in Wudang. He won 30% of the scriptures of Jiuyang Zhenjing, but he founded wu-tang clan by himself and became an immortal in the martial arts.
Chen Yan didn’t pursue any magical secrets everywhere, but he became one of the top strong people in the world.
Emei School is much better than Zhang Sanfeng’s youth. If you have such good conditions, you can’t make Emei School shine. It can be said that the younger generation can.
However, Jiuyin Zhenjing and Ten Palm of Dragon should be recovered. After all, it is something that Emei Sect can’t lose.
Of course, it is still too early to think about these things. The first thing to consider now is to live away from the metropolis.
Ulrich Zhou Zhiruo has always been a fairy in his heart.
Up to now, deep in her heart, she still has a glimmer of hope for success for Elham.
Elwyn jumped and rushed to the army.
Ten thousand people drink a lot, and the momentum is overwhelming.
"Shoot the arrow!"
At the same time, thousands of archers aimed their arrows at Chen Yan.
Arrows with broken like locusts into the Chen Yan.
Chen Yanzhong’s place can be avoided like a living target, but it won’t beat him.
Qiang Qiang!
Eternal sword drawn from its sheath
Chen Yan drew several beautiful arcs in front of the heavenly sword, and the sword light easily smashed dozens of arrows and landed safely.
Bows and arrows can’t resist Chen Yan
The general who commanded the army was not discouraged, but shouted, "Don’t worry about this man, no matter how strong his martial arts are, he will always be exhausted."
The tall shield blocked the Yan Yan from the outside, and there were many spears in the gap of the shield.
In the Yuan Dynasty, the current army was rotten to the roots, and was beaten to pieces by rebel armies from all over the country, but most of them were elite.
Chen Yan used his posture to avoid spear attack, and instantly drew several swords to cut the heavy shield into several pieces.
Eternal sword is famous for its sharpness.
Such a sharp sword, Yan Chen, has put it to the extreme. The thick shield looks solid and there is no difference between Yan Chen and soft tofu.
Chen Yangang rushed into the army and dozens of spears around him instantly stabbed him.
But Chen Yan doesn’t avoid it.
The blade drew a circle and dozens of spears were cut off.
"Ah …"
A series of screams sounded.
It turns out that this sword of Ulrich not only cut off the spear, but also cut off the right thumb of dozens of Yuan soldiers.
Thumb is the most important thing.
If you lose your thumb, your hand will be useless. You can’t even lift chopsticks, let alone carry weapons.
Although Chen Yan’s swordsmanship reached its peak, he was not weaker than a master swordsman.
In particular, Chen Yan’s control over the surrounding environment is not that others can attack him at the same time than those who rely on the heavenly sword. At most, there can be dozens of soldiers, that is to say, Chen Yangen is not fighting against ten thousand people but constantly fighting with dozens of people.
Fighting in an army array is different from fighting in a ring.
Arihiko didn’t use firm but gentle attack.
Shock wave attack can sweep a large area, which seems cool and domineering, but it consumes a lot of physical strength and anger. Chen Yan must fight a protracted war to save people and make the army of ten thousand people annihilate.
He wants to save every ounce of strength.
When less than half a cup of tea, Yuan soldiers lost their combat effectiveness, and there were as many as hundreds of them.
Chen Yan seems to be in danger when he is surrounded by an army, but he still never forces himself to calm down.
His white clothes are not stained with any blood.
If there is no exhaustion, Chen Yan will not be in danger
The emperor looked at Wan ‘an Temple at the top of their floors and fought there.
The emperor said sarcastically with a sneer in his eyes, "Chen Yan is a good man. It’s really a way to kill the soldiers without hurting their lives when fighting. No matter how strong Chen Yan’s martial arts are, it’s hypocritical like other Han people. It’s very strange why Chen Yan fights like ordinary people without any momentum?"
The emperor knows very well what it is like for the master and the strong to fight. The movement is very strong. The palm of his hand shakes Fiona Fang’s fist, which will shock the first-class fighters. However, Ulrich doesn’t seem to have the slightest shock wave. He relies on the sharp body of Eternal Sword.
Behind the emperor, the old eunuch said, "If the emperor wanted to protect his physical strength, it would be dark in the dark. Now the handmaiden finally knows what happened at this time."
Walking, even if a patient can walk 10 thousand meters, it will be very difficult for a long-distance runner to run 10 thousand meters at an extremely fast speed
Chen Yan ensures that he is safe, and puts the fighting rhythm to the slowest. It is the same reason as walking. Chen Yan is now physically fighting for two days and two nights like this, and there is no problem.