Did she just blow herself up?

Lai Lisi has a strange expression.
Just then.
Gwen, who just came out of the lab with Peter, walked into the library and looked at the chair in a daze. Lilith shook her arm and said, "Hi, Lilith, what’s wrong with you?"
Lai Lisi looked up at Gwen during the "Gwen Mark is back"
Gwen first one leng and then said, "Uncle Louis is back? That’s good. Did you tell him that Georgetown allows you to take two degrees? "
Lailisi barely smiled.
Also tell?
She just blew herself up.
On her return from Earth on the 30th, Lailis applied to Georgetown University for permission to initiate two degrees.
And a law degree.
Georgetown University has a special place.
Georgetown University graduates can take the bar exam in a state in the United States immediately without waiting …
Add some unspeakable reasons.
Like aegis
For example, someone who sues the court as the chief court for life is stubborn
Leslie’s application for two subjects was quickly approved.
What …
If she is asked to take the practicing lawyer exam this year, she will be 100% successful
Leslie feels this way.
Especially when I went to Anglis’s house for Thanksgiving the year before last, when old Louis heard her decision, it was a joy to recognize that the family business was finally inherited.
Yu aegis?
S.H.I.E.L.D.’ s strategy for Lelix is to win over as much as possible, but now Lelix doesn’t seem to want to join S.H.I.E.L.D. after graduation, and she doesn’t show anything but feels happy …
This is amazing
Lai Lisi smiled again and said, "Gwen, I may have to go out."
Gwen nodded. "When do you leave?"
Gwen’s words just fell
Deep and remote blue fire suddenly splashed out.
Lai Lisi looked at her mouth and Gwen shrugged. "Now"
Deep and remote blue door boom
Mark, dressed in a suit and tie, came out of the delivery door and saw Gwen. Mark smiled and said, "Gwen has grown taller for three years."
Gwen smiled at Leslie and said "Uncle Louis".
Mark immediately looked at his daughter.
Lailisi spread her hands and looked at Mark with some complaints and said, "You should give a message first."
Mark laughed.
Lailisi waved at Gwen after complaining and then walked towards the door.
Mark can say goodbye to Gwen when he sees it. "Gwen told George to have dinner at the manor this weekend."
"I will" Gwen nodded and said.
Mark immediately glanced at the corner of an animal’s mouth outside the hidden library and walked towards the delivery door.
Send the door to disappear
Guinevere turned to hide her boyfriend Peter at the door and said, "Why do you feel like a mouse meets a cat every time you see Uncle Louis?"
Peter smirked and appeared at the library door …
Can we not hide?
Who knows if Mark will keep his promise and directly remove his three legs?
Peter dare not gamble.
It’s impossible to gamble, so there’s only one way to hide.
In the room of Malibu
After Leslie appeared, she was also surprised by Tony who didn’t conform to the image.
Beside mephistopheles?
As inconspicuous as a little girl.
quite a while
"Hell? What am I going to hell for? "
"You really didn’t go?"