It’s not Mark’s personal vendetta. That’s right

But it must be a personal vendetta. Smelly fart monkey! Mark immediately slapped the table and told Debbie to drive straight to someone’s seaside villa in Malibu with dizziness. But … "Mr. Lewis, I’m sorry that Mr. Stark left the land with Ms. Potts and Ms. Morgan yesterday afternoon." Jarvis sound seaside villa door rang. […]

Liu Chen don’t understand

"This is a good explanation. Brother Liu, you should know that Tianjiao won’t talk nonsense if he has entered this site. Even if he doesn’t have his elders to warn him, he knows that it is important here, and not every time you explore the site, someone will be guided in." Chu Hang paused. "The […]


Zheng! Psst! Howl! Seahorse soldiers who are guarding manta rays have sharp spears and a cold look through the mask to hold their queen in their arms. Walking with his own little shark right next to him, Megalodon also showed two rows of sharp teeth and looked at Ma, and several little sharks behind her […]

What the fuck is this hulk blood as a drink?

Learn from the ancient literati in the East? Why didn’t this guy just chop Banna and take blood directly? Mark has guessed. Samuel Stern’s mutation is wisdom, not flesh. If you want to chop Banna, it is estimated that Hulk will be beaten to pieces by Hulk no matter how superior his IQ is. Plus […]

It seems that her face has not been wiped away.

Thinking of this, she rekindled a glimmer of hope, but it was only a moment and faded away. Even if we don’t recognize her now, it’s not a matter of time before everyone gets caught and recognizes her She looked at Phoenix Shadow Ink again, but her face was as heavy as water, her eyes […]