Xiao! How can you admit your mistake when the red cloud on the black background symbolizes the unknown and destruction? And it’s too dangerous to get in touch with each other at such close range … "There are a lot of miscellaneous fish tonight." The man seemed to sigh with emotion. He was still alive […]

The fourth chapter 157-couplets

"The fourth guardian of Zhu Liu, Dali, the champion of Chinese literature, worships the great prime minister, and the martial arts and ingenuity are far better than those of fishing, firewood and ploughing. The sword technique is fierce and claimed to be the best in the world!" Ling Fei looked up at the narrow Liang […]

One of the nine elders chose to agree. Although Ye Guchen didn’t know exactly what happened, he was sure of one thing, that is, the place he was going to was definitely not simple. It was a very secret and important place, so important that it took nine elders to vote before he could get himself into the moment. Ye Guchen felt more curious about "that place" than curious, and his heart was unconsciously stirring.

Only when there are constant challenges can you keep rising. Ye Gu Chen Bai is very curious about that place and his heart is vaguely urgent. "Well, since you all chose reconsideration, I don’t have any different opinions. Let you take the second leaf solitary Chen with you." When several elders expressed their opinions, they […]