Forgetting dust was hit hard, and his heart and lungs were cut by a sharp knife. Although the snow fell and made emergency treatment before leaving, his situation was still not optimistic.

"Forget the dust, I’m sorry if I can, but I want to be with you for a generation." "Captain, I’m sorry I couldn’t help you achieve your wish." "Forget the dust, you are our adventure captain. If you can’t even protect the captain, why talk about ambition?" "Sister Dog Egg, I am so happy to […]

Feng Ninggen ignored Huo Xiang and closed his eyes directly.

Xiao asked Kan Da Le and laughed, "What nickname do you give people?" "This is disorderly? Since we met him, who has seen him leave his sword? I am very serious, is it wrong? " Huo Xiang shouted You Qing couldn’t help laughing, but he patted Huo Xiangran and said, "This magic array is not […]


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